
Install the Scottecs sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 80 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😄, 😃, 😊, ☺️, 😉, 😍, 😘, 😙, 😜, 😝, 😛, 😳, 😁, 😔, 😌, 😒, 😞, 😣, 😢, 😭, 😪, 😥, 😰, 😅, 😓, 😫, 😨, 😠, 😡, 😤, 😖, 😆, 😷, 😲, 😦, 😧, 😈, 😮, 😬, 😯, 😶, 😇, 😏, 😑, 👼, 😺, 😸, 😻, 😽, 😾, 🙈, 💀, 💩, 🔥, 👋, 👬, 🙏, 🙆, 💁, 🙎, 🐶, 📱, 💳, 📖, 🍔, 🍌, ⛵, ✔, 😀, 😚, 😗, 😱, 😋, 😎, 😵, 😟, 😐, 🙀, 💰.

Stickers in the pack

asdf, meme, funny, gasp meme, meme picture
meme, momoff, boys, dreamy youtube, sketch meme
meme, people, meme picture, meme moving, embarrassed meme of face
animation, people, an unfortunate man, innovator asdfmovie, asdfmovie sticker
meme, funny, sketch meme, cyanide happiness, pencil meme
meme, funny, people, asdfmovie 10 mirbi, asdfmovie poker face
meme, asdf land, meme picture, scarlet pattern, asdfmovie sticker
and memes, little man, sketch meme, scarlet pattern, small plain color
text, sign, sign, mott font, graffiti painting
cat, seal, funny, gudtama background, seal picture
meme, people, meme picture, scarlet pattern, small plain color
meme, funny, people, small meme, sad stickman
meme, figure, people, character, little man
asdf, asdfmovie4, asdfmovie angry, asdfmovie 5 syenduk
meme, meme falk, memes are cute, meme pattern, small meme
meme, funny, stickman meme, small meme, pencil meme
asdf, meme, funny, meme face, lovely memes
meme, funny, thought meme, meme of sad face, exhausted expression pack white background
memes are cute, meme moving, embracing meme, happy meme, picab moved meme
meme, figure, meme picture, small meme, a charming little man
meme, meme, people, children, smiley face icon
meme, funny, small meme, asdf rainbow monitor, asdfmovie full height
meme, people, sad, memetics, happy meme
moustache, text, splint, glasses fashion logo, burns measured klipper inward
people, boys, limows 0xdd, small pattern, picture of funny little people
meme, funny, people, meme picture, small meme
falk, meme, fake meme, memetic emotion, small meme
meme, meme, a cunning meme, marmok meme, small meme
meme, stupid memes, meme picture, marmok meme, pencil meme
asdfmovie scream, asdfmovie sticker, asdfmovie mr muffin, asdfmovie role, asdfmovie full height
meme, funny, people, meme meme, lovely memes
figure, pushen coloring, painted octopus, painted octopus for children, war painting
meme, funny, people, interesting memes, small meme
meme, funny, figure, scarlet pattern, asdfmovie sticker
meme, and memes, well mim, meme face, meditation meme
meme, asdf land, asdfmovie scream, asdfmovie 10 mirbi, asdfmovie poker face
meme, fake mann, boys, meme face, marmok meme
meme, funny, memasiki, meme face, small meme
meme, funny, meme picture, asdf rainbow monitor
coloring, any color, gravity coloring, simpsons heroes coloring, gravity falls colored gideon
people, nobody, sketch meme, scarlet pattern, hand-painted figure
meme, people, meme meme, meme picture, yes lovely meme pattern
meme, people, marmok meme, small meme, asdfmovie poker face
darkness, lovely memes, noel's bad cat, lovely ghost
meme, funny, people, theodd1sout, asdfmovie sticker
meme, momoff, meme picture, sketch meme, scarlet pattern
meme, and memes, animation, people, smol bean
meme, people, boys, marmok meme, nikita ruhle 34
meme, funny, little man, iron sheet, sketch meme
funny, meow animated, lovely smiling face
darkness, sign, sms icon, juster errol, henry stickman
animation, grim reaper, the grim adventures, grim reaper billy and mandy, the adventures of billy mandy green
meme, and memes, people, memetics, sketch meme
people, shupu da upu, facial meme, the face penetrating the head, regular show benson angry
asdf, people, ohardy meme, asdfmovie, hand asdfmovie
meme, funny, meme picture, interesting memes, the binding isaac
meme, kind, funny, character, meme face
meme, jokes, animation, little girl
meme, people, meme picture, sketch meme, scarlet pattern
animation, marmarge, people, character, fictional character
cat, funny, sticker, people, draw with you
people, cartoon refrigerator, tea bag coloring, cartoon style refrigerator
momoff, funny, people, a kind animator, asdfmovie poker face
meme paper, to do list meme, hi this ye meme, a page of text, breaking promise day
cheese, splint, illustration, idiom as easy as pie, i luv this lil muffin
meme, funny, people, a funny joke, tomska asdfmovie
figure, picture, ship pattern, draw a boat, colored spongebob boat
kind, funny, people, evil good man, a kind person
meme, people, meme meme, scared meme, yes lovely meme pattern
meme, meme meme, milota meme, scared meme, yes lovely meme pattern
meme, funny, memetic emotion, meme picture, sketch meme
text, badge, symbol, people, vector icon
jack, meme, darkness, people, black humor
meme, people, meme picture, small meme, meme pattern satisfaction
meme, funny, people, meme picture, sketch meme
meme, running meme, meme picture, asdf disk, asdfmovie poker face
meme, funny, meme face, marmok meme, small meme
meme, funny, stupid memes, mat-free meme, mat-free meme
meme, funny, meme meme, memetic emotion, memes of tears of happiness
meme, animation, moving meme, funny pictures, it is a cartoon kind person
Tags: meme, people, funny, meme picture, small meme
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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