
Install the Yegor_Letov_3 sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 83 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🔤, ℹ️.

Stickers in the pack

pak letov, young forever set
a task, pak letov
letov, a task, pak letov
letov, fonts, font contour
text, pak letov, russian fonts, young forever set, cartoon font russian
text, egor's stickers, young forever set
letov, text, fonts, pak letov
letov, young forever set
jokes, a task, pak letov, humor jokes
pak letov, stick egorov.u
a task, inscriptions of the stickers
memes, text, typical girl, with meaning statuses
text, pak letov
text, fonts, russian fonts, photoshop fonts, graffiti fonts
no, calls, text, pak letov
memes, text, photo apartment, beautiful statuses, statuses about love
pack, jokes, a task, pak letov
letov, text, pak letov
young woman, human, quotes humor, cool tricks, typical girl
inscriptions, stickers, pak letov, the stencil of the inscription
fonts, pak letov, cartoon font, young forever set
text, stickers, auto stickers
text, young woman, pak letov, typical girl
interior, stickers, drunk russia, auto stickers
inscriptions, inscriptions, life inscriptions
quotes, statuses, council inscriptions, credit statuses, do not be shy of your feelings
letov, maternary, inscriptions, matershin, inscription stickers
pack, a task
pack, quotes are funny, cool phrase, quotes of personal diary of girls
pack, brother, we are all brothers
joke, statuses, pak letov, cool inscriptions
kit, letov, pak letov
text, a task
letov, text, stickers, inscriptions of the stickers
text, fonts, alphabet graffiti, graffiti alphabet of russian
brother, stickers, pak letov
thoughts, cool phrase, sovetings sorry was a fool
letov, pak letov
letov, soapdrama
pack, inscriptions, cool inscriptions, cool inscriptions
fonts, inscriptions, card, egor is beautiful inscription
pack, fonts, a task, vitamin font
text, fonts, inscriptions, press font
brother, stickers, pak letov, we are all brothers
text, inscriptions, font staging
inscriptions, the male, stickers, auto stickers
a task, rumas logo, council inscriptions
we are all brothers, 08/18/2020 manual font
a task, inscriptions, human, smoke hookah
pack, egor letov, i love a girlfriend, cool inscriptions
text, human, inscriptions, thursday, today is thursday
darkness, egor letov, close here, the inscription of the fun weekend
friday, darkness, black friday, my favorite boy, the inscription of the fun weekend
text, inscriptions, 500 rubles drawing
cords, stick egorov.u
text, fonts, auto stickers, fonts of scribing
pak letov, auto stickers, stick egorov.u
the words, text, stick egorov.u
pack, a task, quotes ld, wise quotes
letov, inscriptions, life inscriptions
dog, stickers, be aware of dogs
text, live humor, auto stickers
cords, we are all brothers
pack, darkness, statuses, cool quotes
brother, inscriptions, pak letov, we are all brothers
quotes, a task, statuses, wise quotes
darkness, stickers, return, auto stickers, car stickers havehtag
inscriptions, human, stick egorov.u
memes, wine, i dream, memes of the poem e
stickers, auto stickers, cool inscriptions, stick egorov.u
find, vitamin font, the inscription of the fun weekend
kit, text, pak letov
text, fonts, inscriptions, council inscriptions
text, fonts, fonts gimp, graffiti fonts, fonts of scribing
letov, editing, a task, inscriptions
text, fonts, inscriptions, we are all brothers
fonts, inscriptions, human, quotes ld
text, fonts, stickers
letov, card, stick egorov.u
letov, a task, stick egorov.u
text, inscriptions, life inscriptions
human, council inscriptions, cool inscriptions, quotes of adolescents
text, fonts, minecraft fonts, grand theft auto iv, bubble style fonts
Tags: text, pak letov, inscriptions, fonts, letov
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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