Install the DA sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 59 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 👏, 🤬, ❤️, 🤓, 👍, ✊, 😢, 💪, ❔, 🙅‍♂️, ☺️, 👉, 😉, 😯, 🧺, 😭, 😄, 😌, 🙅, 😳, 🐶, 🙄, 👩‍🔬, 🛠, 🐷, ❓, 🗃, 🤡, 😎, 🖐, 🐧, 😟, 😠, 🥿, 📞, ☹️, 🐱, 🐝, 🤑, 🎩, 😐, 🐵.

Stickers in the pack

human, the male, memm slven yes, all retrained logos
memes, a man with a beard meme
screenshot, the eyes are cute, quotes jokes, funny quotes, life phrases
memes, human, beard mem, bearded meme
text, icons, human, style icon
fingers, manicure, toes, thumb, fingers crossed clipart drawing
memes, joke, human, a man with a beard meme
joke, bear grishka, director online, mishka pedobir girl
boy, bear, cartoon bear, illustration bear, 2020 has a logo
memes, joke, human, mem face, memes
memes, hand, joke, human, drawings of memes
memes, joke, grew meme, memes, red grue
memes, meme gru, memes, there is no meme gru
no, meme, double
carbon monoxide, boy, human
joke, logo, human
cat, cats
headphones, headphones icon, icon headphones, folding headphones icon, wireless headphones icon
memes, boy, human, memes, zumer memes
memes, laugh, joke, help the meme, kiss a meme
memes, joke, human, meme's hand
a task, inscriptions, human, consider your mind, cottages of inscriptions
cat, work, cat sima
joke, rare, uzbaga, auto meme sticker, raccoon strip a strip
cat, kote, cats, the cat is a freebie, cat well nafig
text, antokha, friends, human, the male
joke, human, stickers, comrade go
joke, human, geometry dash, geometry dash robot
dasha, joke, dasha koreyka
face, the male, human, emil verkharn portraits, rami film poet's diary
hand, hand of a finger, finger down, fist drawing, thumb down
goat, pumba, timon pumba
memes, joke, woman, human, simple meme
bee, human, photo apartment
face, the male, human, faces vector, mountain man
silhouette, human, silhouette sport, hyipovo sounds, and what sounds hype
memes, joke, human, nicholas cage meme, jake hotlami miami 2
penguin, penguin meme, pigovin bird, penguin bow, black penguin
memes, the male, human, need glasses, nnado glasses
memes, joke, human, honore de balzac
memes, joke, human, prefyrium memes, the finger up the meme
joke, thro have a mustache, from october 30, cool inscriptions, from october 30 to november 7
screenshot, telephone, icon phone, phone icon, handset
of money, text, money, human, dan smith the secret of brother
thoughts, fair, fair, what is memes, the meme is fair
memes, memic face, memes, the finger up the meme
dachshund, funny, funny stickers, cool stickers
memes, memic face, memes, prefyrium memes, the finger up the meme
mole, dear pug, puglie pug, mops drawing, kawai mops puglie
memes, joke
memes, bee, you are bees, a meme bee, lunar bee meme
cat, cats, boy, human, cat abbot
human, english text, muhammad caricature, caricatures of the prophet muhammad in france, caricatures in france of the prophet muhammad charlie hebdo
face, he went x, the male, human, sergey bodrov power pravda
boy, human, mmm monke, monkey ufff, monkey wojack
and meme, joke, beard mem
pug, joke, dog pug, pug stonefaret
memes, joke, skulls, skull drawing, skull with the inscription
Tags: human, memes, joke, the male, boy
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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@cgifs Cats

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