Dino bacot

Install the Dino bacot sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 55 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🦖, 💩, 😑, 🤭, 😒, 🙂, 😫, 😡, 😱, 😜, 🐵, 😌, 😄, 🤡, 🥱, 😵‍💫, 🙄, 😮, 🤢, 😈, ☠, 🖕, 😿, 😾, 😛, 🥺, 🐶, 🐽, 🙀, 😹, 👻, 👿, 🤫, 😰, 😓, 🤯, 🤨, 😘, 🙃, 😊, 🧐, 😟, 😇, 🌚, 🔥, 💥, 🐒, 🐷, 🐥, 👀, 🤬, 😳.

Stickers in the pack

duck, toys, duck, duckling, rubber weft yarn
girl, kartun lucu, duck toy, duck toy, duckling
parker, duck, toys, gambar lucu, duckling
toys, zayebemba, shrek marsh, sad shrek, zayebemba schlek
duck, toys, duck toy, duckling, rubber weft yarn
parker, girl, twitter, meme lucu, officely missing you
toys, cartoon, cartoon cartoon, boss milk cartoon, cartoon boss milk 2
meme, toys, cute meme, funny face, 2022 memes
budi, meme, toys, gambar lucu, pikachu meme
plump, toys, toys, rubber duck, gambar lucu
parker, duck, meme, funny, rubber weft yarn
parker, toys, duck toy, duckling
jadi, toys, gambar lucu, duck toy, duckling
duck, duck, toys, toys, rubber weft yarn
parker, duck, duck, toys, pikachu meme
girl, the quotation is funny, duck toy, duckling, rubber weft yarn
parker, duck, toys, gambar lucu, rubber weft yarn
duck, toys, twitter, gambar lucu, rubber weft yarn
parker, toys, gambar lucu, a funny joke, rubber weft yarn
pikachu, meme lucu, rubber duck, gambar lucu, duckling
toys, kartun lucu, rubber duck, gambar lucu, rubber weft yarn
parker, memes funny, gambar lucu, rubber weft yarn, android version history
pikachu, toys, meme lucu, gambar lucu, pikachu patch
parker, duck, gambar lucu, a funny joke, rubber weft yarn
duck, toys, toy duck, duck toy, duckling
duck, toys, gambar lucu, duck toy, duck toy
duck, duck, toys, duckling, rubber weft yarn
parker, twitter, cartoon, cartoon toy, war cartoon
parker, asian, a funny joke, duck toy, duckling
beech, meme, toys, twitter, mi-mi-mi
duck, duck, toys, gambar lucu
parker, toys, cartoon cartoon, boss milk cartoon, cartoon boss milk 2
toys, toys, duck toy, duck toy, duckling
duck, toys, duck toy, duck, duckling
toys, toys, cute meme, gambar lucu, a funny joke
duck, duck, toys, gambar lucu, duck toy
parker, toys
parker, duck, toys, duck toy, duckling
parker, toys, gambar lucu, duck toy, duckling
parker, duck toy, duck toy, duckling
duck, toys, gambar lucu, duck toy, duckling
parker, channel, pikachu, cartoon, pikachu pokemon
hmm, jawab, toys, gambar lucu, rubber weft yarn
duck, toys, twitter, here media, gambar lucu
parker, duck, toys, memes funny, a funny joke
duck, duck, toys, duck toy, duckling
toys, gambar lucu, a funny joke, duck toy, duckling
toys, gambar lucu, a funny joke, duck toy, duckling
parker, toys, cartoon, shawn the lamb, cartoon shawn the lamb
duck, toys, gambar lucu, duck toy, duck toy
parker, winnie, toys, toys, rubber weft yarn
screenshot, expression pack duck, yellow duck, funny smiling face, duckling
toys, cartoon, a lovely animal, cartoon animal, boss milk cartoon
parker, toys, duck toy, duck toy
duck, duck, toys, gambar lucu, duck toy
Tags: toys, duck, duck toy, gambar lucu, duckling
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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