
Install the torsv sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 61 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: ❓, 😡, 😊, 🖤, 🌟, 😳, ☁️, 😍, ☺️, 👀, ❤️, 😈, 😙, 🍒, 😤, 😁, 😏, 🥰, 😎, 😒, 🙂, 😂, 😕, 🧐, 😜, 😃, 🙃, 🐌.

Stickers in the pack

boys, epoch red cliff, chibi tang jun
figure, cartoon cute, chibi tang jun, anime picture, s bj alex tamaiitos rodriguez chipi
figure, anime picture, character picture, lovely cartoon pattern
manhua, manhua manga, he wenhua's son, yin chenghao wenhua, manhua night etude
cartoon, figure, bj alex
manhua, bj alex, manhua manga, manhwa bj alex
bj alex, figure, cartoon animation, chen wu bj alex chibi
cartoon, animation, manhua, manga manhua, cartoon characters
cartoon, manhua, art cartoon, manhua manga, manhua bj alex
manhua, dongjun, people, cartoon animation, bj alex
animation, boys, manga md, chibi tang jun, bj alex chibi
boys, dongjun, bj alex icon, have a sense humor, bj aleks card stickers
cartoon, animation, animation quotations, the quotation is funny
cat, cartoon, hurry up, a brief quotation
cartoon, manhua, cartoon animation, cartoon hero, manhua manga
cartoon, bj alex, bj alex, charlie spring, don gyun bj alex
cartoon bj alex, manhwa bj alex, bj alex manhwa, bj alex don gyun, bj alex don gyun
figure, bj alex aesthetics, bj alex printing plate, anji yuan bj alex smiles
figure, bj alex, chanu bj alex chibi
cartoon, animation, figure, chibi tang jun, bj alex chibi
animation, manga md, bj alex chibi
figure, bj alex, chen wu bj alex chibi, dmitry bobblatsky art
cartoon, tucker comics, herbaum jr, chen wu wen hua chibi, cartoon cute pattern
cartoon, animation, cartoon cute, kavai animation, cartoon character
cartoon, anime, figure, hebom tyson, cartoon characters
manhua, people, cartoon cute, ho cheng man wah, cartoon characters
cartoon, people, cartoon cute, manhua manga, cartoon character
figure, anime picture, cartoon character, herbaum jr, anime character pictures
manhua, cartoon cute, cartoon characters, cherry blossoms after winter, cherry blossoms bloom after hebu winter
manhua, taisheng manhua, cartoon characters, the popular manhwa language, yanxi cherry blossoms bloom after winter
figure, hebom tyson, anime picture, cartoon characters, little tyson
manhua, figure, liu yan manhua, anime boy, jewish cartoon
yu yang, bts art, animation creativity, here u are, cartoon avatar
yu yang, animation, manhua, sampai
yu yang, animation, figure, yu yang li juan, yu yang li huan cosplay
animation, figure, anime picture, cartoon character
yu yang, manhua, liu yan manhua, right here comics
manhua, cartoon animation, cartoon characters, are you there manhua, manhua brave figure
yu yang, manhua, yu yang is smart, liu yan manhua, are you there manhua
yu yang, manhua, liu yan manhua, are you there manhua, mandarin characters
animation, manhua, animation creativity, lovely cartoon, cartoon character
yu yanli huang chibi
yu yang, yu yang chibi, yu yang li juan, cartoon characters, cartoon artistic figures
yu yang, manhua, animation creativity, cartoon character, animation art boy
yu yang, find
animation creativity, disney animation, cartoon characters, cartoon character, mandarin characters
screenshot, illustration, ellen ripley, let's go for a walk
meme, people, lela let's go for a walk, let's go for a walk, fictional character
animation, manhua, cartoon animation, manhua animation, manhua pond snail robber
animation, anime boy, song jun chibi, cartoon character, zhai mu cao suo chibi
cartoon, animation, cartoon cute, cartoon character, cartoon character
animation, cartoon cartoon, cartoon character, snail pond robber, anime boyfriend snail
animation, cartoon cute, cartoon animation, manhua animation, cartoon character
anime, animation, lovely cartoon, cartoon animation, cartoon character
cartoon, anime boy, cartoon cute, cartoon characters
manhua, cartoon animation, manhua manga, pond snail robber, huang henny pond snail robber
cartoon, animation, cartoon animation, read a cartoon, anime boyfriend snail
cartoon, manhua, animation creativity, cartoon animation, manga manhua
animation, animation creativity, lovely cartoon, anime boy, cartoon characters
figure, animation creativity, anime picture, cute cartoon boy
animation, anime picture, cartoon character, lovely cartoon pattern, south park meme kenny butters art company
Tags: manhua, animation, cartoon, figure, cartoon character
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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