
Install the BigBang sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 59 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😏, 💥, 🙀, 😳, 😡, 😀, 😅, ⚾, 👓, 🍷, 😢, 👳, 🍺, 😠, 🇺🇸, 🍰, 💃, 😔, 😺, 😣, 🍜, 💉, 😒, 😘, ✋, 😶, 👄, ✌, 👙, 👏, 😭, 🌃, 😨, 👃, 😱, 😊, 🍹, 👩, 👫, 😰, 💦, 😕, 💍, 😯, 👿, 😸, 😂.

Stickers in the pack

leonard satire, big bang theory, satirize the big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory, the big bang theory leonard's sarcasm theory
explosion, grand theory, big bang theory
sheldon cooper, sheldon sidney, big bang theory
grand theory, big bang theory
sheldon cooper, sheldon sidney, big bang theory
sheldon cooper, sheldon sidney, big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
webp, emoji, grand theory, big bang theory
male, big bang rus, big bang theory, raj's big bang theory
no, explosion, big bang theory
explosion, grand theory, big bang theory, penny's big bang theory
explosion, grand theory, big bang theory
boys, grand theory, big bang theory
sheldon cooper, sheldon sidney, grand theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
no, sheldon cooper fun with flags
explosion, grand theory, big bang theory
no, emoji, amy farrah fowler crown
helberg simon, wolowitz howard, big bang theory
howard tbv, wolowitz howard, grand theory, big bang theory
cat suit, catwoman, female cat suit, liz katz cosplay catwoman, female cat 2004 set
johnny garecki, grand theory, hofstadt leonard, big bang theory, leonard's big bang theory
no, hofstadt leonard, leonard's big bang theory
female, girl, female doctor, female doctor, amy farah fowler's big bang theory
male, people, sheldon cooper, big bang theory
people, grand theory, raj's big bang theory, howard's big bang theory, the big bang theory howard raj art
male, people, the big bang theory of geeks
no, liuba, previous
rajesh, kutlapali rajesh, big bang theory, rajesh kutrappali actor, rajesh ramayan raj kutrappali
sheldon, sheldon cooper, sheldon sidney, sheldon's big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
super girl suit, superhero costume, superhero costume, female superhero, super girl super girl
superhero costume, vander woman costume, super girl suit, suit miracle female red, the big bang theory sheldon miracle girl
no, emoji, bigbang, edison
batgirl suit, bat girl set, batman girl costume, bat girl dress, batgirl 989 set 40-42
escape, kelly cuoko, kelly kucker's explosion theory
sheldon cooper, sheldon sidney, grand theory, big bang theory, sheldon cooper refresher
no, amy farah fowler, big bang theory, amy's big bang theory
grand theory, big bang theory
no, girl
no, emoji, girl
explosion, girl, big bang theory, big bang theory
howard raj, big bang theory, rajesh ramayan raj kutrappali, raj kutrappali holy cattle, rajesh kutrapali holy cow
no, girl, joely richardson 2003, penny's big bang theory
no, big bang rus
no, amy's big bang theory, penny emmy portrait of the big bang theory
no, emoji, san niu raj, the big bang theory rajesh howard
no, people
sheldon cooper, sheldon's big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
male, leonard's big bang theory
sheldon cooper, big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
sheldon cooper jr, big bang theory, sheldon's big bang theory, sheldon's big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
male, current moment, grand theory, big bang theory, personality characteristics of schizophrenia
sheldon cooper, big bang theory, sheldon's big bang theory, sheldon's big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
no, rajesh, kutlapali rajesh, rajesh ramayan raj kutrappali, the big bang theory of tv series
sheldon cooper plaid, sheldon cooper blanket
grand theory, amy farah fowler, amy's big bang theory
dog, puppy, peta george, raja kutrapali dog, raj's big bang theory
sheldon cat, sheldon cooper seal, rodion gazmanov sheldon, sheldon's big bang theory, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
no, bimodal
Tags: big bang theory, no, grand theory, sheldon cooper, sheldon cooper's big bang theory
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