
Install the FolfieTheWox sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 66 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 👋, 👌, 😁, 👐, 😧, 😎, 😍, 🤣, 😡, 😴, 😩, 🙏, 🤷, 🏃, 😏, 😳, 🤨, 😇, 😭, 😄, 😃, 💋, ❤️, 😪, 🍑, 😢, 🤩, 🦊, 💳, 💉, 😕, 🐦, 😔, 😶, 😑, 🤬, 🔫, 🔥, 😈, 🥪, 🖐, 👉, 😵, 📝, 🌀, 💨, 🥰, 😛, 👍, 😠, ℹ️.

Stickers in the pack

furry, fuli, magira fouri, sad frie, frie waved his paws
fuli, frie art, sad frie
fox, animation, frie art, warrior cat, eagle-tailed cat warrior
fuli, frie's picture, sad frie, frie hug
animation, frie art, anti-frie, frie pride, magira fouri
fuli, fury a, frie, sad frie
fuli, frie flip, friemangel, frie's plate, sad frie
people, frie art, grey wolf, frie's art is lovely, male fry fox
fox, fox fox, fox fry, frira foss, fry fox girl
cat, character, cat animation, anime animal, fictional character
animation, barto, barto dakota, jenner barto, barto jenna art
fox, fuli, fox fry, fullench, we're frey yuri
fuli, rich days, eric fury, magira fuli, magira fouri
animation, character, mimi fox, frie convention, foxfrie references
wolf, fox, grey wolf, anime wolf couple, the song what does the fox say
cat, people, character, domino joke, life cartoon
animation, frie yell, fribp, we're frey yuri, frie characters
fox, fuli, fox fry, fullench, sad frie
fox, animation, bad fox, wolf red
animation, frie art, frie pride, frira foss, frie painter
wolf, asuva wolf, barto dog, cheyenne lion king, wolves xkoday kaigy
cat, fuli, fury a, cat like, let's get drunk tattoo taz
antero fuli, frirussia, frie committed suicide, frie convention, frie hyena jackal
fries wolf, frie boris, antero fuli, frey alex, frirussia
fuli, woolf, furiradze, furry poster, frie characters
furry, fox fry, fries wolf, fuli embry, frirussia
fox, animation, fribp, fox fry, frie hug
fox, fuli, animation, people, fuli embry
furry, animation, friesu, frie reptile, fury panda red and black dye
wolf, fox, animation, people, fox vore
fox fry, fuli embry, munger foxy, frirussia, magira fouri
fox, wolf, animation, people, ben mistry
pony, animation, moon knightmer, chirful pony, pony
fnaf, frie pride, molten freddy fnaf, lefty molten freddy, fnaf 6 lefty rockstar freddy love
animation, furieb, people, character, furry ace attorney
left-handed national liberation forces, foxy mangel, gregory furnoff, mobox87 fnaf cartoon, five nights at freddy's
mangel, frie art, foxy mangel, magira fouri, foxikala melklazer
animation, fructus cnidii, fury animation, squeedgemonster, fluff kevlar lucario
people, fan art, tf2 frie, tf 2 medic, anime fury
furieb, people, character, prince rex chain, furry ace attorney
people, frie art, pok é mon art, pokemon frie, fictional character
furry, animation, frie art, animal animation, husky alaste at hazbin hotel
animation, look at people to the left, mobox87 fnaf cartoon, five nights at freddy's, fnaf 6 lefty rockstar freddy love
furry, animation, friohmge, frie pride, animal animation
left-handed national liberation forces, left fox, left-handed freddy art, white lefty fnaf, five nights at freddy's
animation, dives tang, gregory furnoff, varian vampire, five nights at freddy's
animation, kur0k fnaf, prince rex chain, poley x pink poley, meme eyes half closed
animation, hazbin, hazbin hotel, haspin hotel, hazbin hotel alasto
furry, people, furry meme, frie cartoon, amino trio bread house
animation, furry, fuli, frie cartoon
animation, anime, solarin, fictional character, animaniacs 2020 anime
animation, character, funtime foxy, mango spring ladder 18, thomas growth drive
animation, character, vuangdessu, pink anime, five nights at freddy's
animation, fan art, anime lovers, cartoon cute
animation, character, roy kopa, mlp characters, fictional character
fox, wolf, fox, fuli, sylvester duke of looney tunes
fox, animation, frie characters, kitsune's mysterious skulls
fuli, frimia, frie characters
serpentine hedgehog, hedgehog shadow, snake bean ye river, the roar of sound waves, shedo sonik killer
male, sticker, santa claus sleigh, lion king sticker, stick dragon skis
foxy mangel, thorn fox, munger's fox love, munger fox love 18, love mangle foxy amino
furry, fuli, anime animal, fuliwo fawo, frie characters
wolf, fuli, frie's plate, sad frie
fuli, animation, frie characters
wolf, furry, animation, fuliwo fawo, frie characters
clay, a logo, sign
Tags: animation, fuli, fox, people, furry
WhatsApp version

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