
Install the Celestia sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 31 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😠, 😡, 🌞, 👄, 😘, 💋, 😳, 😕, 😃, 😀, 🙂, 😊, 😜, 😦, 😭, ☹, 😤, 👑, 🗡, 🙄, ☔, 💤, 💕, ☀, 🍰, 🎂, 💄, 😨, ❤, 😄.

Stickers in the pack

princess celestia, princess celestia pony, princess celestia is crying, princess celestia was surprised, princess celestia was unhappy
oxelestia, princess celestia pony, my little pony princess celestia, friendship is a miracle princess celestia, pony friendship is a miracle princess celestia
pony tail, picksy the pony, pony, princess celestia, princess celestia pony
celestia pony, princess celestia, celestia pony girl, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia
celestia pony, princess celestia, princess celestia 1, pony princess celestia, princess celestia fat pony
celestia pony, princess celestia, princess celestia ice, princess celestia pony, my little pony princess celestia
princess celestia, celestia youth pony, pony princess celestia, princess celestia banana, princess celestia
celestia pony, princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia, princess celestia
celestia, princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia, my little horse princess celestia
celestia, princess celestia, pony princess celestia, my little pony celestia, my little horse princess celestia
celestia, princess celestia, princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia
celestia pony, princess celestia, princess celestia, pony princess celestia, my little pony celestia
princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia, maritar pony princess celestia, my little horse princess celestia
princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia, my little pony celestia, maritar pony princess celestia
celestia pony, princess celestia, princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, princess celestia pony
celestia mlp, princess celestia, pony princess celestia, my little pony celestia, princess celestia fat pony
celestia, celestia pony, princess celestia, pony princess celestia, princess celestia blueblad
pony princess celestia, my little pony celestia, princess alikorn celestia, princess celestia armor, my little horse princess celestia
pony celestia, princess celestia, pony princess celestia, my little pony celestia, maritar pony princess celestia
celestia, princess celestia, princess celestia 1, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia
princess celestia, pony princess celestia, princess celestia banana, princess celestia fat pony, maritar pony princess celestia
animation, celestia pixel, princess celestia, pony princess celestia, baby pony princess celestia
little horse celestia lies down, pony princess celestia, princess celestia luna, princess celestia is sleepy, not with princess celestia luna
princess moon, princess celestia, pony moon celestia, pony princess celestia, princess moon pony celestia
celestia mt, princess celestia wine, princess celestia kutimaka, the autumn of princess celestia, pony princess celestia little
celestia mlp, princess celestia, princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia
celestia mlp, celestia pony, princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, princess celestia pony
celestia pony, princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, pony princess celestia, princess celestia fat pony
celestia, the evil celestia, celestia laughed, princess celestia, pony meme celestia
pony heart, pony heart, cardiac mlp, pony rainbow heart shape, pony heart cardens
celestia, celestia go, princess celestia, princess celestia, pony princess celestia
Tags: princess celestia, pony princess celestia, mlp princess celestia, celestia pony, celestia
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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