
Install the shblokun_friends sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 44 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🐟, 🐺, 🐹, 🐷, 🌯, 🐊, 👼, 🐕, 🍾, 🐡, 🎸, 🐪, 🕊, 🍻, 🐔, 🐬, 🐯, 🦆, ☕, 🍽, 🐥, 🍖, 🐰, 🚓, 🐶, 🛁, 🐛, 🦅, 🐼, 🐆, 🐮, 🤩, 😐, 🦌, 🦘, 🐭.

Stickers in the pack

slag block, fish slag block, cloglocun of the forest, slaglockon has its own game, slag blocking meme without inscriptions
fox, slag block, slag blocking friends, friends slag block, pak slag blocking friends
hamster, syrian hamster, hamster with a white background, a hamster is a transparent background, the syrian hamster is small
pig, pig, pigue, fat pigs, the pig is small
butterfly, butterfly butterfly, nettle butterfly, slag blocking friends, schmetterling butterfly
slag block, slag blocking toad, crocodile alligator, crocoddodo slag block, kaiman crocodile alligator
jester, the face of jesus, jesus christ, the savior jesus christ, makovsky jesus christ
bukhtar, dog, dog breeds, smart dogs
penguin, penguin, penguin, royal penguin, imperial penguin
guitar fish, slag block, slag blocking friends, potskumbria slag block, mandolina musical instrument
omar crab, slag block, omar crab lobster, slag blocking friends, slag blocking his friends mosquito
camel, camel dromader, two humped camel, a camel with a white background, photos of a camel
salmon memes, slag block, trololo memes, slag blocking friends
gull, sitting a seagull, bird seagull, slag block, silver gull
a bottle of beer, beer grouse, slag block, slag blocking friends, slag blocking his friends watsap
rooster bird, white rooster, rooster rooster, chicken memes, slag block
text, dolphin, kit dolphin, dolphin with elements, slag blocking friends
bottle, flag of water, kega dog, slag block, keoga dog
tigryab meme, tiger muzzle, slag block, slag blocking friends, slag blocking friends are similar
joke, woman, young woman, slag block, slag blocking friends
fly, fly joke, slag block, hurma slag block, slag blocking friends
fenec, fox fenec, slag block, the animals are cute, slag blocking friends
cat, ginger cat, day cutlets, cat cutlet, cat of the cat cutlet
text, slag block, slag blockun moon, slag lock fish, slag blocking friends
gusli, slag blocking friends, gusli musical instruments, slag blocking his friends watsap, russian folk gusli instrument
deer, slag block, dappled deer, slag blocking friends, slag blocking his friends lada
liquor, laker bailes, slag blocking friends, liker bailiz irish crime, baileys liker beiliz 0.5 l
slag block, mercury month, planet mercury, slag blocking friends, cloglokun petushin
cat, slag block, funny cats, slag blocking friends, funny photos of animals
dog, scream dog, bigl dog, dog bigl, the dog is small
chihuahua, chihuahua hua, chihuahua is angry, chihuahua dog, chihuahua hua evil
dragonfly, white dragonfly, dragonfly watchman, dragonfly is common, dragonfly passer emperor
underpants, the panties of the owl, panties with a print, panties owls female
artificial flowers, artificial flowers of pansies, soft toy panda with greens 15 cm
jackal, slag block, slag blocking game, slag blocking friends, slag blocking his friends watsap
pizza cat, dog spitz, the dog is the face, the animals are cute, dog pomeranian spitz
mallard, kryakva duck, the drake is duck, bird duck kryakva, duck with a white background
cow, cow's clipart, milk cow, slag blocking game, slag blocking friends
mackerel meme, slag block, memes about fish, chromosomes fish, slag blocking friends
shakoblokun, slag block, chlaclock, fish slag block, slaglockon thinks
slag block, slag blocking game, slag blocking friends
text, weapon, a wooden sword, wooden weapons, the wooden sword is real
deer, the deer is white, reindeer remko, snow white deer, noble deer
rat, joke, pelmyshka, rat inscription, rats with a white background
Tags: slag block, slag blocking friends, penguin, slag blocking his friends watsap, text
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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