
Install the pravda_ili_deystvie_voprosi sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 90 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 📁, ❓, ❗️.

Stickers in the pack

screenshot, all the truth, fake or truth, true or action, true or action truth
truth, screenshot, true or action
find, kit, truth
truth, true or action, true or action 4
truth, quotes, screenshot, teenage quotes
truth, questions, screenshot, 3 questions
truth, a task
truth, qr code, true or action
truth, quotes jokes, true or action
truth, screenshot, true or action
truth, i am for actions, ask me a question, true or action
truth, a task, statuses of quote, true or action, statuses of quote aphorism
find, truth, screenshot
text, truth, a task, quotes are funny
text, truth, screenshot, 3 questions
truth, a task, correct questions
quotes, screenshot, quotes are funny, cool phrase
quotes, screenshot, quotes are funny, cool phrase
find, truth, friends surveys
truth, screenshot, true or action
truth, screenshot, jokes jokes, true or action
truth, screenshot, life phrases
truth, screenshot, 3 questions, true or action
find, truth, screenshot, life quotes
truth, screenshot, quotes jokes, funny texts
truth, no drugs, page text, ask me a question
truth, question, faq, correct questions
truth, question, screenshot, 3 questions, correct questions
truth, quotes, screenshot, funny jokes
truth, your questions, correct questions
screenshot, funny quotes
truth, question, screenshot, any questions, ask a question
truth, friends, young woman, screenshot, true or action
truth, screenshot, true or action
truth, screenshot, questions to the wall, statuses of quote
truth, screenshot, true or action
screenshot, funny quotes, the funniest quotes
truth, alcohol, quotes are funny
truth, screenshot, statuses of quote
text, truth, screenshot, funny quotes
and 18, truth, screenshot
truth, difficult questions, page text, correct questions, interview questions
find, truth, screenshot, true or action
truth, a task, questions, 3 questions, true or action
truth, screenshot, 3 questions, cute quotes, answers questions
text, truth, a task, true or action
truth, screenshot, you are doing, council inscriptions
truth, a task, 3 questions
truth, questions, screenshot, questions to the wall, cottages of inscriptions
find, truth, screenshot
truth, screenshot, true or action
military, human, true or action
jokes, human, write me, funny jokes, surprise me hello
text, inscriptions, the phrases are beautiful, council inscriptions, cool inscriptions
truth, screenshot, statuses of quote
truth, statuses, screenshot, personal status, cool quotes about selfie
truth, screenshot, true or action
truth, quotes, statuses, mem of quotes
text, maternary, cottages of inscriptions, the objects of the table, teenage quotes
a monkey, monkey 2005, stupid monkey, smart monkey, stupid monkey
a task, cool phrases, council inscriptions, selling purchase of accounts
quotes, a task, wise quotes, give yourself time
truth, human, statuses, screenshot, true or action
jokes, jokes, joking jokes, quotes jokes, jokes jokes and soon thirty
truth, human, screenshot, a minute later, true or action
text, a task, human, quotes are wise, quotes of adolescents
rap rap, screenshot, russian rap, read rap, my first rap
quotes, a task, quotes are funny, cottages of inscriptions, i am looking for a best friend
truth, screenshot, true or action
truth, quotes are funny, true or action, continuation of the source advertising
text, statuses, screenshot, beautiful, true or action
text, human, screenshot, new people, the phrases are beautiful
truth, human, let's fly away the plane or smoke
text, human, screenshot, the phrases are beautiful, words about lech
focus, human, let's play, this is a trick, simple tricks
statuses, cool phrases, finish the phrase, page text
statuses, screenshot, cool phrases, quotes are funny, cool jokes
truth, quotes, statuses, screenshot, statuses of quote
humor, quotes, quotes of phrases, the phrases are beautiful, cottages of inscriptions
fashion, thoughts, quotes, human, jokes
statuses, screenshot, funny quotes, statuses of quote, jokes jokes
records, human, fridge, my refrigerator, refrigerators repair
truth, jokes, cool statuses
text, screenshot, cool phrases, quotes are funny, modern jokes
truth, maternary, screenshot, private message
text, screenshot, i threw the screen, book marathon 9, true or action
quotes, statuses, screenshot, when adding friends
truth, statuses, personal status, my new page, true or action
truth, screenshot, quotes are funny, cottages of inscriptions
Tags: truth, screenshot, true or action, text, a task
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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@cgifs Cats

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