
Install the pikl_vk sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 48 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: ❓, 😐, 🏃‍♂️, 🤪, 😞, 😡, ☹️, ☔️, 🤬, 🤡, 🤢, 👮‍♂️, 👍, 😕, 🌟, 👎, 🔪, 💸, 🛀, 😰, 🖕, 🤦‍♂️, 🤷‍♂️, 😃, 👧, 🧠, 😘, 😉, 👋, 🤭, 🙈, 🙅‍♂️, 😒, 🚶‍♂️, 🛸, 👁, 😅.

Stickers in the pack

bubble gum, screenshot, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, screenshot, alien, bubble gum alien, aliens on earth it says vatafak
bubble gum, boys, people, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, alien, bubble gum alien, bubble gum 200 small
bubble gum, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, alien, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, big, frog pepe art, bubble gum 200 small
bubble gum, big, alien, bubble gum 200 small
bubble gum, character, bubble gum 200 small
bubble gum, bubble gum alien, bubble gum 200 small, vasapoya's stroke
pepe, pepe the clown, pepe the clown, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, funny, big, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, screenshot, frog pepe art, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, nvuti promotional code, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, character, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, funny, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, figure, competition, star rain emblem, rainbow star vector
bubble gum, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, character, character, bubble gum alien, fictional character
bubble gum, character, alien, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, funny, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, character, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, picture, paper
bubble gum, alien
bubble gum, character, alien pattern, bubble gum alien, aliens on earth it says vatafak
bubble gum, yegor letov, elizabeth i, bubble gum alien, alien head
bubble gum, thoughts, character, frog pepe art
bubble gum, frog pepe art, bubble gum alien, fictional character
bubble gum, lovely, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, funny, character, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, alien head, green alien, ripndip alien
bubble gum, character, have no worries, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, big
bubble gum, screenshot, alien, character, lovely aliens
bubble gum, big, screenshot, yegor letov
bubble gum, alien, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, funny, big, alien
bubble gum, big, bubble gum alien, lola alien
bubble gum, guess from emoticons, guess from emoticons
bubble gum, sleeve, people
foot, bubble gum, character, maincraft mansion, bubble gum alien
text, select, loss
bubble gum, shoes, white spot, motion picture
girl, i want to believe, alien, i want to believe the poster, i want to believe poster
bubble gum, llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc, llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc, llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc llc
bubble gum, frog pepe art, bubble gum alien
bubble gum, frog pepe art, alien, bubble gum alien
Tags: bubble gum, bubble gum alien, character, alien, big
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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