
Install the Nejroset sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 70 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🥑.

Stickers in the pack

emoji, emoji, emoji rhilot, rukalito emoji, smiley arm face
human, child, the sims, the sims 4, trevor sims 4
emoji, child, emoji man, emoji man, the bald man emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji head, emoji man, beautiful emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji smiles, smileik emoji, emoji white hair
skin, human, child, 3 d model, skin id 45
emoji, emoji, emoji man, emoji girl with a hand, deaf woman emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji apple, emoji man, emoji man
emoji, emoji, emoji girl, emoji woman, emoji girl
a toy, human, pinch cartoon, emoji crossed fingers, smileik crossed fingers
boy, emoji man, emoji man, emoji with a raised hand, emoji shrug shoulders
emoji, emoji, emoji man, emoji man, deaf woman emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji apple, emoji girl, emoji girl with a hand
lotus pose, yoga poster lotus, man pose of lotus, man pose of lotus, the child is a lotus position
emoji, emoji, emoji man, emoji woman, smileik emoji
anime, emoji, woman, yugito research institute of tsunade, zepeto old version
emoji, emoji, emoji apple, emoji man, emoji girl
emoji, emoji, emoji head, smileik emoji, emoji girl
emoji, emoji, emoji apple, smileik emoji, emoji boy
emoji, emoji, emoji man, emoji girl, smileik emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji girl, emoji girl with a hand
emoji, emoji, emoji apple, emoji girl
human, darkness, sims 4 mannequin, windy telepuziki, slendytubbies menu
emoji, emoji, young woman, emoji girl, emoji girl
emoji, emoji, boy, apple emoji, emoji apple
emoji, emoji, emoji apple, emoji girl, emoji girl
emoji, emoji, emoji apple, emoji girl with a hand, emoji girl with a camera
emoji, emoji, emoji man, emoji girl, emoji girl with a hand
fingers, emoji apple, emoji is two fingers, emoji crossed fingers, smileik crossed fingers
emoji, emoji, emoji girl, emoji girl, smileik emoji
emoji, emoji, child, smileik emoji, emoji white hair
spa, logo, php emoji, pictogram, the icons of years are stimmy
human, animation, photos of friends, randy london sims 2, gnome child runescape
emoji, emoji, emoji girl, emoji woman, emoji girl is smart
figure, nose zbrush, 3 d model, nose 3d model, pile poo black background
kaws toys, bearbrick a4, kaws companion, be@rbrick black, kaws originalfake companion toy
emoji, emoji smile, sad emoji, emoji emoticons, emoji is sad
emoji, emoji, sad emoji, emoji surprise, sad emoji
emoticon, emoticons, emoji ios, face emoji, flushed emoji
head, darkness, 3 d model, mask scream, hottabych smile
emoji, smiley, happy emoji, emoji monster, emoji emoticons
mask, mask skull, black masks, protective mask, black face mask
emoji, screenshot, sori emoji, emoji smileik, satisfied emoji
emoji, emoji mouth, emoji apple, emoji is a cry, smiley emoji
text, emoji, emoji, emoji emotions, emoji is displeased
face, head, head, 3ds max head, displacement face
emoji, these are emoticons, emoji smileik, hands of embarrassment emoji, emoji embarrassed by his hands
emoji, emoji, evil emoji, lovely emoji, emoji emoticons
gloves, protective gloves, rubber glove, rubber gloves, fishing gloves
human, animation, super sans, the game wormix, santzest sans
emoji, emoji smiles, emoji man, emoji man, smileik emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji face, emoji man, smileik emoji
anime, mask, emoji, picabu cookie, in short one at home
emoji, emoji, emoji love, artist emoji, emoji smileik
emoji face, surprise emoji, emojidex emoticons, blurred image, emoji apple animated
darkness, human, souvenirs, panda 3d model, cryptipasta slenderman
doll, emoji, human, child, blize doll
fire element, fiery signs, fire 3d icon, blurred image, fire of emoji srisovka
emoji, emoji, facial emoticons, emoji is red, the red smiley is sad
icons, picture, mood icon, vector icons, the game icon is pink
finger, emoji's finger, emoji finger, emoji middle finger, middle finger emoji
head, dummy, darkness, the face of the mannequin, mannequin head
emoji, hot emoji, emoji language, emoji smileik, emoji is displeased
bilateral tape, double sided adhesive tape, pressure lamp red light, silicone double sided tape 3m, high temperature thin double sided tape 3m
icons, icons, the icon is fire, round icons, the icon is round gas
the thumb of photoshop
hand, fist, palms, hand mm, gloves for women
figure, thumbs up, smiley finger up, the thumb of photoshop, emoji hand finger up
icons, logo, pictogram, style icon, mucus icon
ball, red ball, red ball, red ball, the balloon is red
Tags: emoji, emoji man, emoji girl, emoji apple, smileik emoji
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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Fuimos Felices Aquí

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