
Install the nas sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 59 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😃, 😁, 😱, 😔, 😐, 🖕, 🙊, 🍺, 😌, 🍷, 💧, 😇, 😄, 😉, 😜, 💁, 😕, 👍, 👎, 🔞, 🏢, 🙈, 🏋, ☕, ⛷, 🎨, 🍈, 🍍, 🤡, 🐷, 😸, 👽, ☠️, 🎩, 💀, 😢, 😺, 🥂, 🍾, 😎, ⌚️, 💰, 🦎, ♿️, ⚠️, 😅, 😠, 😡.

Stickers in the pack

face, memes, boy, pitching meme
face, human, picture, boy, sketch of the face
face, picture, illustration, portrait drawing, photo drawing
face, human, picture, boy, illustration
face, picture, pitching meme, buldazha face, self portrait drawing
tattoo, fack forment, ideas of drawings, the sign of the hand rocenrol, sketches of a small tattoo finger
memes, boy, pitching meme, bump by meme, the memes are stupid
boy, funny caricatures, graffiti spray, caricatures of drunks, the funniest carications
picture, drawing the head, we draw the head of a person, face academic drawing, ekorshe head academic drawing
wine, alcohol, wine coloring, wine with a pencil, contour drawing wine
cup, beverages, illustration, ryumka shot vector, a glass of coffee doodle
picture, alcohol, whiskey bottle, fine drawing, a bottle of vodka sketch
beverages, picture, cup drawing, coloring cup, barten drawing with a pencil
cup, cup, logo, burdak tamara, dreamers cafe logo
text, cup, illustration, a glass of icon, a glass of a template
human, child, drawings, illustration, face drawing
phrase, text, quotes, inscriptions, cottages of inscriptions
necessary, text, inscriptions, stickers with inscriptions
find, russian language, chalk board
human, picture, portrait, illustration, nikolai ivanovich kulbin
picture, task, illustration, coloring graffiti, vector illustrations
picture, drawings with lines, simple drawing, the art of drawing, contour drawings
young woman, girl, picture, one line drawing, continuous line drawing
human, boy, drawings, illustration, a nasty person drawing
human, picture, illustration, announcer drawing, feuilleton drawing
shoes, picture, sketches, coloring laces, sketch drawing wandering
text, inscriptions of the stickers, i am a russian sticker
beverages, picture, coloring cocktail, coloring milkshkhak vector, paints of energy drinks
human, picture, illustration, the battle of nigan lucille, doodles exclamation mark
picture, graffiti, the letters of the graffiti, graffiti fonts, graffiti alphabet
numbers, picture, textbook, coloring, coloring 14
human, picture, illustration, the poses are funny, photo apartment
picture, coloring, drawing, illustration, vector illustrations
text, ananas, a pineapple, coloring pineapple, pineapples are small
text, fonts, logo, human, equipment logo
pig, picture, pigue, illustration, kaban pig
picture, drawings, buttocks drawing, drawings of sketches
a cup, coffee sketch, cup sketch, cup drawing, the sketch of the cup is professional
text, fonts, logo, phantom font
text, inscriptions, new inscription, new year's inscriptions, death note inscription
text, human, picture, literature, illustration
text, picture, coloring pipe, thrombonist drawing, jazz drawing with a pencil
young woman, sketches, sketches, sketches of drawings, drawings sketches
meme, memes, human, marmock memes, marmock's memes are angry
text, numbers, fonts, picture, modern fonts
a pen, picture, illustration, illustration drawing, sonimbryan mircea big vacations
empress bottle, a bottle of beer sketch, sketches of the theme of alcohol, portein bottle drawing, sketch of a bottle of champagne
cup, shot drawing, the glass is half, the glass is half empty, the glass is half full
text, fonts, top fonts, graffiti fonts, beautiful font wolfpack
picture, sketches, illustration, the stars of metaphor are to blame, drawing theme of the feet of a cigarette
text, fonts, inscriptions, graffiti fonts
lizard, haeckon lizard, lizard drawing, agamous lizards, the jumping lizard is small
picture, sketches, seversyukhin drawings, unknown drawing, rogozin spacesuit drawing
wheelchair, a stroller of disabled people, wheelchairs, invalued stroller sketch, coloring wheelchairs
text, fonts, inscriptions, picture, press font
picture, boy, jung drawing, happy merchant, caricature by one line
wolf, picture, wolf with a pencil, the drawings of the sketches are angry, the wolf with a pencil in stages
hyena sketch, jackal a sketch, animal sketches, sketches of drawings, ych reference wolf
text, inscriptions, sticker, auto stickers, heshtag sticker
Tags: picture, illustration, text, human, boy
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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