Line favorites

Install the Line favorites sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 67 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😘, 💐, 👌, 😌, 👋, 😞, 😣, 😰, 😥, 😡, 😖, 😔, 😭, 😴, 👍, 😠, 😄, 😷, 💨, 😏, 😕, 😐, 😝, 😑, 😓, 😶, 😢, 😍, 😯, 😂, 😳, 😤, ✋, 😃, 😊, 😋, 😒, 💖, 🚪, 💕, 🙌.

Stickers in the pack

picture, human, selamat, character, memes about love s
anime, love, character, character illustration
lines, merged, textbook, camerophone, the phone is a camera
human, follower, character, friendzone, gambar lucu
line, anime, merged, line frends james
dan, decals, child, sendiri, datang bulan
human, character, llya background moon james, fictional character
anime, character, user, llya background moon james
human, character, llya background moon james, fictional character
human, character, james elone, llya background moon james
human, character, photo apartment, fictional character
cat, line, human, may 11 2017, he stole socks
cryloud, child, sendiri, keluarga, llya background moon james
human, young woman, princess aurora, disney princesses
face, character, james elone, llya background moon james, comics about tricky issues
merged, picture, human, llya background moon james
memes, merged, character, crunchyroll, llya background moon james
joke, cats, human, the emoticons are cute
clipart, line cony, cute drawings, line friends cony, line cony and brown
joke, cony brown, line friends, smiley drawings
cat, rabbit, kaskus, rabbit snopi, rabbit illustration
cat, cony ett, cony brown, the hare is fading, line friends
joke, human, angry line, line friends, dancing rabbit
clipart, line cony, line friends, cute drawings, funny illustrations
rabbit, line brown, line frends, line friends, printing line friends
angry line, line cat, animated, kakao talk hare
line, joke, beautiful, line friends, line friends cony
bear, bear line, the bear is cute, bear brown line, bear brown line frends
screenshot, bear bts, the bear is cute, korean bear, korean bear through the eyes of money
bear, clipart, cony brown, bear line, line characters
bear, the bear is cute, bear brown, offended bear, offended bear cub
the bear is cute, bear brown, brown bear, bear brown line, mishka line frends brown
the bear is cute, bear brown, horses bear brown, bear is a cute drawing, mishka line frends brown
clipart, the bear is cute, bear bear brown, bear brown line, bear is a cute drawing
bear, clipart, brown line, bear line, stickers bear brown
duck, sally duckling, duck sally, sally chicken, line frends sally
duck, sally duckling, line friends, sally chicken, line frends sally
cat, duck, soft and cute, smile deleted
a toy, sally ducks, sally duckling, line friends, sally line friends
chick, sally duckling, line friends, the chicken is cute, sally chicken
joke, catron ket, styuy gryffin
anime, emoji, catron ket
pug, lovely, emoji
cat, cat, cat, cat
cat, stickers standoff 2, blue monster vector, standoff 2 stickers drawings
fox, cat, amy cat, skretch cat, the cat of wormix
cat, joke, cartun kat, cartoon cat
a toy, green elephant, green hippo, leonard line frends, drawing ktulhu t shirt
a toy, frog drawing, line frendes frog, leonard line frends, line friends frog
yoshi, line friends, line frendes frog, leonard line frends, line friends frog
the frog is sweet, frog drawing, line frendes frog, leonard line frends, line friends frog
line friends, line frendes frog, leonard line frends, line friends frog, frog drawings are cute
asian, channels, playlist, subscribers, enter the request
clipart, kiki_is_lost, lovely girls, cute cartoon vapors, drawings of cute girls
line, girl, textbook, girl
girl, young woman, child, cherry coco, cartoon woman
girl, surabay, girl, gambar kartun, maraqli şekiller status
anime, textbook, welcome to cvs, welcome graphics
guy, human, characters, character design, pngs for youtube avatar
t-16, dipper gravity falls, gravity falls dipper, gravity falls are small, gravity stickers folz dipper
hand, hands heart, hands with a heart, mickey mouse hands, disney hands mickey
door, door clipart, opened door, the door is cartoony, open door brown open
door, the door of the icon, emoji door, the door is brown, the door is a transparent background
logo, bambini inscription, children's logo, berry logo clothing, children's clothing logo
logo, thatk you, lucky dip box, early childhold, think you
text, good luck, lucky dip box, brushy duh logo, good luck inscription
text, arabic language, arabic tattoos, arab calligraphy, arabic tattoos
Tags: human, cat, line friends, character, llya background moon james
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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