Line standard emoji

Install the Line standard emoji sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 47 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😕, 😎, 😮, 😐, 😶, 😏, 😩, 😖, 😔, 😠, 😁, 😀, 😊, 😇, 😍, 😙, 😉, 😄, 😬, 😱, 😂, 😥, 😌, 😳, 👀, 😑, 😪, 😰.

Stickers in the pack

darkness, smiling face, emoticon, expression evaluation, a sad smiling face
beard smiling face, emoji, smiling face moustache, a smiling face with a beard, smiling face beard glasses
darkness, expression reversal, a smiling face without a mouth, smiling face tablet, a surprised smile
emoji, a sly smiling face, yellow smiling face, smiling face, neutral smiling face
emoji, smiling face, smiling face is sad, smiling face smiling face, a smiling face with tears in it
coins, emoji, smiling face, a surprised smile
smiling face, smiling face, emoji, smiley face emoji, smiling face plate
emoji, smile and cry, smiling face, emoji, a smiling face
emoji, smiling face, smiling face, emoji, smiley face emoji
emoji, emoji, a sleepy smiling face, smiley face emoji, sad emoji
darkness, smiley face icon, smiling face tablet, yellow smiling face, smiling face
smiling face, a sad smiling face, a sad smiling face, a surprised smile, sad and cheerful smiling face
smiling face, smile smiling face, happy smiling face, happy smiling face, smiling face
emoji, face emoji, smile with an expression, sleepy emojis, happy emoji
sich, profil, darkness, profile, smile at
smiling face, a hundred smiling faces, emoji, smiling face is cheerful, funny smiling face
us dollar, , state, darkness, assurance
love smiling face, smiling face heart, lovers with smiling faces, smiling face smiling heart, korean heart-shaped smiling face
emoji, emoji, heart-shaped smiling face, smiling face love, smiling face heart shape
emoji, emoji, smiling face, emoji pades, emoji
smiling face, smiling face laughter, smiling face, smiling face, happy smiling face smiling face
emoji, smiling face, weber expression pack, funny smiling face, happycry smiling face
smiling face, smiling face smiling face, smiley face tuba, emoji, smiling face
smiling face, smiling face, smiling face smiling face, smiling face, smiling face photo
smiling face, emoji, smiley face emoji, smiling face smiling face, smiling face
darkness, smiling face, emoji, smiley face emoji, smiling face smiling face
emoji, smiley face icon, a sad smiling face, symbolic expression, pencil smiling face
smile smiling face, smiling face expression, symbolic expression, line friends moon, smile emoji 2d black and white
children, line smiling face, kavaj smiling face, kavai's face
darkness, stupid memes, line smiling face, smiley line, smiley face icon
pack, children, smiley line, smiling face kiss, the cutest smiling face
animation, smiling face, smiley face badge, emoji
emoji, smiling face, emojime, emoji fark, smile emoji
emoji, emoji, facial expression, look horrible, smiley watsap surprise
emoji, emoji, smiling face, facial expression, emoji
emoji, emoji, smiling face, expression ios, expression painting
emoji, happy emoji, emoji, smiling face, the most popular emoji
children, ios emoticons, emoji trends, terrifying emoji, smile emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji, a surprised smile, awkward emoji
cat, smiling face ice, smiling face classic, funny smiling face, picture 100x100
emoji, emoji, emoji, smiley face icon, expression pad
cat, brown, cubs are cute, brown bear, bear brown line friends circle
pagi, punya, jawab, like this, photo apartment
foot, meme, people, human television, the little man in front of the tv
kaskus, the simpsons, memejk fighting, bart simpson, ryan james co
kawai, mishki, bear, bacbaci
Tags: emoji, smiling face, darkness, smiley face emoji, smiling face smiling face
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

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@cgifs Cats

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