
Install the Krusu_blya sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 43 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😈, 👋, 😚, 🔮, 😓, 🙂, 😍, 🤬, 😰, 😘, 🤨, 😴, 🥰, 😡, 🤤, 😋, 😮, 😒, 🙃, 🥳, 😁, 😎, 🥶, 😄, 😔, 🧐, 🛁, 😨, 👿, 🍺, 😑, 🥸, 🤗, 🤠, 🥴, 😷, 😯, 😵, 😉, 👍.

Stickers in the pack

little flying elephant mouse, dumbo, hamsters are funny, syrian hamster, adult syrian hamster
mouse, mouse mouse, little flying elephant mouse, cheerful mouse, funny mouse
hamster, little flying elephant mouse, rat, house mouse, funny hamster
mouse, mouse clothes, animals are cute, a ridiculous animal, interesting little animals
smoking mice, smoking mice, mouse cigarette, cigarette mouse, mouse cigarette meme
mouse clown, rats are funny, a clear joke, samara national korolev academician research university
animals, plush mouse, plush animal, 3d model of monkey lamp
cat, mouse, mouse, two mice, squirrel
mouse, pull a mouse, patchick mouse, cigarette mouse, meme mouse cigarette
little flying elephant mouse, mice are cute, dumbo, hamster hilarious, a ridiculous animal
little flying elephant mouse, dumbo, rat animal, lovely fat mouse, dumbo mouse blue mink
mouse, crown mouse, mouse girlfriend, hamster hilarious, crown mouse
little flying elephant mouse, dumbo, dumbo rex mouse, dumbo mouse girl, dumbo elephant mouse adult girl
little flying elephant mouse, dumbo, dumbo rex mouse, dumbo adult, house mouse flying elephant
bald mouse, rat sphinx, bald mouse flying elephant, dumbo sphinx mouse, bald guinea pig
dumbo rex mouse, totoro boy, dumbo rex mouse, dumbo guinea pig, mouse flying elephant blue mink
mouse, mouse gray, mouse gray, little flying elephant mouse, mouse gray-white
cat, mouse, mouse, house mouse, decorative mouse
cat, seal, funny seal, a ridiculous animal, funny animals
cat, ikea mouse, toy mouse, ikea rat gosig, ikea mouse toy
mouse clothes, rats are funny, let's dance, mouse wedding dress, tatyana liubimova teddy
hamster, quasi-garrick, hamster junggar, hamster junggar, junggar dwarf hamster
mouse clothes, mouse face, rat sphinx, dumbo, fashionable mouse
little flying elephant mouse, watermelon rat, house mouse, little flying elephant mouse, decorated mouse flying elephant
cat, mouse, the mouse yawned, rat animal, mouse smiles
mouse, little flying elephant mouse, male rats, little flying elephant mouse, rat animal
little flying elephant mouse, the mouse yawned, funny mouse, animals are cute, mouse smiles
mouse, mouse, the mouse at home, wet mouse, dumbo rex mouse
mouse, little flying elephant mouse, dumbo rat bath, dumbo mouse is washing, dumbo elephant mouse tuba
mouse, rat mouse, mouse mouse, the greedy mouse, rats are funny
mouse mouse, little flying elephant mouse, mouse face, hand mouse, dumbo
animals are cute, meme-filled cat
cat, dumbo, rat animal, dumbo long mouse, animal cubs
mouse, mouse mouse, fyodor rat, house mouse, decorative mouse
mouse, dumbo hamster, little flying elephant mouse, dumbo, dumbo rat gray
cat, seal, kitten, animals are cute, animals cats
cat, flying rat, scarecrow eagle, a ridiculous animal, a cheerful animal
meme mouse, hamster meme, pink mouse, hamster hilarious, pink mouse meme
cat, cats, a ridiculous animal, domestic animals, a lovely pet
rats are strange, animals are cute, rat animal, rat rat and mole, jinnabley's mouse
mouse, animals, little flying elephant mouse, animals are cute, rat animal
little flying elephant mouse, rat full face, rats are beautiful, white mouse mouth, mouse pets are cute
cat, cat, animals, animals are cute, a ridiculous animal
Tags: mouse, little flying elephant mouse, cat, dumbo, animals are cute
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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