
Install the kotetsu_shonen sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 69 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🤔, 👈, 😑, 🙇‍♂️, 🥰, 🤯, 👋, 🚶‍♂, 😊, 😉, 👀, 😌, 🤣, 🥱, 🤨, 😏, 👌, 🙏, 🤦‍♂, ☝️, 🤛, ✨, 🖕, 🌝, 🔜, 🔝, 🙃, 🤩, 🔛, 🙋‍♂️, 🙁, 🙅‍♂️, 🥳, 😐, 🗞, 😗, 😕, 😒, 👍, 🙂, 💔, 🥊, 😴, 😪, 🌬, 🤤, 😂, 😅, 💆‍♂, ❌, 🥂, ✅, 🤫.

Stickers in the pack

tommy, animation, people, ericjoseph-idong, bitmoji man's head
text, newbie, people, tim paul crypto, doutrinador drawing
igor, riddle, young man, people, the shadow of a drip
creator, people, character, english version, simon youtube channel
games, euro e, people, pubg mobile, bitmoji boy
avatar, carolyn, boys, people, bitstrips
young man, people, great terror, a man, zero_rom_nosituationoutfitsmageshq
two-dimensional code, people, personally, drop flashcard
ich, let's, people, bitstrips, pentagon
young man, people, request, the shadow of a drip, simon youtube channel
tree, plants, bitmoji gardening, domestic plant, trees and shrubs children
rick, young man, people, the shadow of a drip, related keywords suggestions
animation, hip-hop, people, tridognet radiation cover, blood cartoon 2
people, screenshot, scott travis
games, people, lil wayne, kanye west
music, people, animation, character, some type way rap
friend, people, boys, animation
person, young man, mister, doctor, people
animation, skateboard, people, sliding vane, put frix's songs on youtube
people, illustration, chalk plate, inventory illustration, sermon
iride, music, zingara, every day, release date
boys, facebook, dos games, jesus christ, the works mercy logo
boyz, two-dimensional code, thailand, people, monica starks
animation, people, unicorn, unicorn splint, fictional character
games, music, junior, people, last call
animation, people, shujalinga, sofa martha, shujialin hair removal
create, screenshot, charlie angels 1973, winter sports usborne, all-or-nothing hero island
face, young man, people, the shadow of a drip, grade 402 children
animation, people, lbadderz, slang for beating me up, juniho's head
meme, people, p.diddy art, english version, 50 cent candy shop cover
games, screenshot, song album, game screenshot, parker lane twisted minds
lgbt, people, that's what, marvel comics, the walt disney company
people, trade, 10kdunkin
channel, animation, people, frank user, bitmoji man's head
erica, people, male, hepo great, king arthur
animation, hip-hop, hip hop, undefined, monica starks
head, face, text, junior, people
people, relevant, life hack, matematica, chalk plate
stop, stop sign, stop sign, stop sign, traffic stop sign
friend, creator, people, male, photos of friends
camera, people, male, readers, conversation
ecole, text, dispositif, association, avatar doctor man
young man, people, boys, the shadow of a drip
face, creator, people, rafael gaming, english version
animation, scorpio, male scorpion, scorpio scorpio, scorpio white bottom
person, people, the shadow of a drip, gus fring, related keywords suggestions
boys, people, max alvarez, tim paul crypto, avatar doctor man
doctor, text, doctor, doctor, pop art doctor
stream, young man, january, january 1
creator, boys, people, dmitrienko, cartoon dad
iride, music, zingara, every day, release date
das, two-dimensional code, let's, people, taco bell
fun, just, good, text, tim paul crypto
male, illustration, memes funny, rakucaracha, popular memes
people, a squad, lil wayne, character, character design
two-dimensional code, thailand, bangkok, people, scientist
two-dimensional code, doctor, rabe joseph kwame, avatar doctor man, mattie's soul food maker team
erica, two-dimensional code, doctor, people, gta 5 rp
channel, two-dimensional code, hip-hop, cartoon characters, zero_rom_nosituationoutfitsmageshq
erica, two-dimensional code, people, the shadow of a drip, aimira west
most, face, asian, people, avatar project
rap, hip-hop, people, hip hop, screenshot
animation, eddie, erica, people, the shadow of a drip
chbd, text, people, still be friends
games, climb, people, grade 402 children, old lady brickbury
cook, ralph, people, screenshot, chef ali
face, young man, people, sabina baba saba, who is the case manager
learn, teachers, teaching, a fifth-grade student, a page of text
text, people, the shadow of a drip, character design
Tags: people, animation, two-dimensional code, the shadow of a drip, young man
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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