
Install the furrbabies sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 54 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😒, 🙄, 😐, 😔, 😠, 😡, 😤, 😑, 😥, 🤬, 🤯, 🤮, 😲, 🤨, 🤩, 😼, 😾, 👎, 🙀, 👊, 🤚, 😴, 🥱, 😩, 🤜, 🐺, ☠️, 🔫, 👀, 😱, 😨, 🥺, 🙁, ☹️, 😞, 💪, 😘, 😟, 💤, 👿, 😵, 😷.

Stickers in the pack

cat, cats, cat, cats, the cat is a red nose
cat, cat, cats, cat cat, funny cats
cat, cats, a cat, cat cat, red white cat
cat, cat, cats, cats, a cat
cat, cat, scottish fold, cat scot, scottish berth cat
ferret, cute ferrets, the animals are cute, animal ferret, decorative ferret
ferret, hummy ferrets, mink albino, the ferret is a smart animal, horoda is a white homemade
cat, cat, cats, the cat is in the hut, a curious cat
cute ferrets, the chokee is small, the ferret is small, homemade ferrets, homemade chorek
cat, a cat, disgusting cat, funny animals, the animals are funny
cat, cat, a cat, cat marik, suspicious cat
cat, cat, animals, the cat sneezes, pets
ferret, ferret, animal ferret, bearing ferret, animals are similar ferrets
cat, cats, cute cats, cute animals, scottish white cat
ferret, ferry affection, hares knight, animal ferret, a photograph of a ferret
cat, cat, cats, a cat, european cat
cat, cat, cat, animals, home animals
ferret, animals, the battle of the ferrets, animal ferret, funny animals
ferret, animals, the battle of the ferrets, cute animals, little ferrets
ferret, animals, animal ferret, cute animals, the ferret with a white background
ferret, animals, animal ferret, animals are funny, funny animals
animals, cute animals, pets, pets, homemade ferrets
ferret, animals, animal ferret, cute animals, the chokee is small
cat, cat, cat, cute cats, the animals are cute
cat, a cat, white cats, the animals are cute, a white cat laughs
cat, cat, animals, funny cats, funny animals
cat, hummy ferrets, the animals are cute, funny ferrets, funny animals
human, child, funny cats, cat animal, funny animals
cat, cat, angry cat, evil cat meme, the animals are cute
cat, cats, cat, cats, a cat
cat, cat, a cat, cat of the eye, the animals are cute
cat, animals, the animals are cute, cat animal, animals are funny
cat, cat squeal, the animals are cute, funny cats, funny animals
cat, cats, cat, cats, animals
cat, cat, cats, a cat, home animals
cat, my cat, angry cat, the cat is funny, funny cats
cat, cats, cat, the cats are funny, funny animals
cat, cat, cat, a cat, iriskin cat
cat, cat, cat cat, a cat, funny cats
cat, cat, cats, cat cat, cats are hugs
cat, cats, a cat, funny cats, the animals are cute
ferret, animals, ferry animal, funny ferrets, newborn ferrets
ferret, animals, animal ferret, cute animals, little ferrets
ferret, animals, ferry affection, animal ferret, decorative ferret fretka
ferret, horecom of ducks, ferry affection, animal ferret, horecom of sable color
ferret, the face of the ferret, ferry animal, little ferrets, decorative ferret fretka
ferret, animals, animal ferret, funny ferrets, khorek coffee with milk
cat, animals, the animals are cute, cute cubs, pets
animals, cute animals, funny ferrets, funny animals, animal cubs
ferret, animals, the animals are cute, animal ferret, animals are funny
a cat, white cat, cute cats, harmony is a white cat, european short haired cat white
cat, a cat, the cat is white, white cat, the breed of cats is albino
cat, cat, a cat, white cat, white cat
cat, cute animals, cat animal, funny cats, scottish cat
Tags: cat, animals, cats, ferret, a cat
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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