
Install the Pepper sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 40 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😭, 😱, 😂, 😍, 😳, 😉, 😓, 😊, 🦄, 👼, 😒, 😐, ☺️, 🤔, 😎, 😈, 🤨, 👍, 😜, 😖, 🤭, 👊, 😁, ✋, 😺, 🤩, 💄, 😏, 😡, 🤓, 🌚, 🍾, ☠️, 💩, 🌽, 😅, 😔, 🧐, 💪, 😯.

Stickers in the pack

emoji, expression fire, emoji, smiley face emoji, a sad smiling face
funny, smiling face, o_o smiley face, smiling face shock, new smiling face
animation, emoji, facial expression, smiling face expression, water drop smiling face
emoji, emoji angry, expression love, heart-shaped smiling face, smiling face love
emoji, children, smiley face icon, lovely smiling face, a surprised smile
emoji, smiling face, boys, lovely smiling face, transparent smiling face
emoji, emoji, facial expression, emoji, transparent smiling face
smiling face, smiley face neo, smiling face, yellow smiling face, smiling face
splint, anger meme, angry emojis, cursed emoji, expression painting
angel with smiling face, angel of expression, angel with smiling face, halo of smiling face, emoji angel
emoji, boys, smiley face rock, fire smiling face, an angry smiling face
icons, sign, screenshot, chicken logo, shig game kindgom 3 0 youtube
cat, fire, expression 9, fire smiling face, smoke with free expression
children, smiling face, smiling face problem, transparent smiling face, a bewildered smiling face
smiley boss, smiley boss, smiley face badge, smiley face download, smiley face pixel glasses
smiling face anger, demon smiling face, expression demon, smiling face of the devil, angry smiling face horn
children, expression meme, flame icon, smiling face, an angry smiling face
smiling face, boys, hermogi artis, funny smiling face, satisfied smiling face
facial expression, emoji, expression pad, disco emoji, smiling face plate
children, fire alarm badge, flame icon, fire smiling face, a smiling face
emoji, smiling face class, emoji, smiley face emoji, expression disco
smiling face, boys, smiling face, comfort emoji, crossed-out lights
emoji, emoji, emoji, emoji, smiley face emoji
smiling face, boys, clip art smiling face, smiling face smiling face, smiley face tuba
smiling-faced cat, cat expression, cat smiling face, expression cat, cat with abnormal expression
emoji, facial expression, emoji, smiling face expression, water drop smiling face
smiling face, smiling face fire, smiling face is cheerful, smiling face kiss, kiss the smiling face
face, emoji, boys, emoji cunning, a smiling face
anger, boys, smiling face anger, an angry smiling face, angry smiling face horn
emoji, emoji, emoji, boys, facial expression
fish, boys, smiling ninja, ninja smiling face, bee be happy
emoji, children, clip art smiling face, surprise emoji, smiling face lovely sun
smiling face, boys, smiling face glasses, smiley face badge, clip art smiling face
text, emoji, emoji, smiley face icon, expression pad
emoji, emoji, emoji, smiling face expression, water drop smiling face
emoji, emoji, emoji, expression pack meditation, sad face emoji
boys, expression moustache, smiling face moustache, smiling face moustache, a smiling face with a beard
emoji, emoji, expression ohm, strong emoji, smiling face is cheerful
boys, 0_o smiling face, emo smiling face, emoji, smiley face icon
Tags: emoji, smiling face, boys, facial expression, children
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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@cgifs Cats

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