Fluent Emoji #2

Install the Fluent Emoji #2 sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 46 video stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😐, 😑, 😶, 😏, 🙁, 😒, 🤔, 🙄, 🤬, 🤥, 😔, 😌, 😪, 😷, 🤒, 🤕, 🤢, 🤮, 🥴, 🤧, 🥵, 🥶, 😖, 😵, 😵‍💫, 🤠, 🥳, 😎, 🤓, 🧐, 😕, 😧, 🤤, ☹️, 😮, 😯, 😲, 😈, 😳, 😅, 🤯.

Stickers in the pack

emoji, emoji, funny, angry emoji
emoji, emoji, facial expression, emoji, emoji
emoji, smiling face, smiling face, smiling face eye
emoji, emoji, smiling face, emoji cunning, smiling face is sad
emoji, smiling face, smiley face icon, smiling face, neutral smiling face
emoji, emoji, expression eye, emoji cunning, smiling face is sad
emoji, facial expression, smiling expression, groan with a smiling face, emoji
emoji, smiling face, emo smiling face, emo smiling face, smiley face tuba
emoji, a brooding smiling face, a brooding smiling face
emoji, smiling face, smiling face smiling face, emoji, a surprised smile
emoji, smiling face anger, expression mask, emoji swearing
emoji, smiling face, emoji angry, a surprised smile
emoji, emoji, smiling face, sad emoji
emoji, emoji pades, smiling face, emoji, emoji
emoji, expression dream, smiling face, lovely smiling face, emoji
emoji, smiling face, smiling face mask, smiling face mask for medical use, let's talk emoji mask tt
emoji, emoji, smiling face, facial expression
emoji, emoji, facial expression, emoji, expression headache
emoji, smiling face, green smiling face, emoji robot, smiling face fun green
emoji, emoji, facial expression, smiley face icon
emoji, emoji, emoji pades, look sad, smile emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji icon, smiling face sneezes, emoji
emoji, emoji, smiling face, facial expression
emoji, emoji, cold expression, emoji
emoji, emoji, expression pain, encyclopedia of expression, smiling face laughter
emoji, emoji, smiling face, webinar, cross smiling face
emoji, expression eye, expression eye, emoji, emoji
emoji, apple expression, expression cowboy, expression cowboy, smiling face cowboy
emoji, expression carnival, expression robot, emoji, happy emoji
blue waves, toys, fisher-price, skype smiley face, bibel fisher price
emoji, emoji, expression glasses, smiling face glasses, expression sunglasses
emoji, facial expression, smiling face glasses, expression pack single terminal
emoji, emoji, expression pleading, emoji
emoji, emoji, smiling face, smiling face moustache, smile emoji
emoji, emoji, expression pleading, emoji
emoji, emoji, emoji angry, transparent smiling face
emoji, emoji, emoji, blink expression
emoji, emoji, emoji, awkward expression
emoji, emoji, smiling face, smiling face is sad
emoji, expression mouth, facial expression, surprise smiling face, a surprised smile
emoji, smiling face, emoji, a surprised smile
emoji, smiling face, a surprised smile, blink expression
emoji, joypixels 6.0, expression angle, demon smiling face, purple smiling face
emoji, emoji, smiling face, smiling face
emoji, emoji, smiling face, fearful emoji
emoji, smiling face, expression pack, expression brain, smiling face brain burst
Tags: emoji, smiling face, facial expression, a surprised smile, smiling face is sad
WhatsApp version

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