
Install the exo sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 82 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🙅‍♂️, 🍎, 💔, ☹️, 😰, 🌙, 🔥, 🍑, 😵, 🤓, 🤷‍♂️, 🙏, 🤫, 😘, ❤️, 😛, ✌️, 😏, 💅, 🎀, 💛, 👍, 🍷, 👇, 👋, 😭, ☁️, 🐺, ♥️, 🐻, 👗, 😕, 🦄, 😑, 🍭, 🥬, 😒, 🗯, 🧝‍♂️, 🤴, 🕺, 👿, 😬, 😄, ✋, 😅, 🤨, 🤳, 😱, 🌧, 📞, 🥺, 👎, 😇, 🤦‍♂️, 😋, 🔪, 😉, 😫, 😡, 👉, 🤔, 😖, 🌟, 🥰, 😺, 🐱, 🍜, 👨‍🍳, 🐠, 🍌, 😴, 💐, 🐧, 👬, 👨‍❤️‍👨, 💞, 🤗, 🖤.

Stickers in the pack

lar, kit, baekhyun exo, bekhyun with a white background
exo, exo dio
hati, asian, bts yungi, rap monster, bts namjun
kensu, exo do, dio exo, kyungsoo, unknown
asian, sailor, sailor, costume children's silor moon
chanel, pak chanyeol, exo chanyeol
jung jungkook, pak chanyeol, jungkook alpha
installation, pak chanyeol
girlfriends, installation, exo chanyeol
syumin, syumin exo, exo syumin, syumin memes, exo syumin sadness
exo kai, jimin bts mma 2018
bts jin, bct faces, taehyung, jung jungkook, bangtan boys
chanel, chanel eho, pak chanyeol, chanyeol exo
syumin, bts jin, syumin exo, fanbo bts
emoji, eho chanel, pak chanyeol, exo chanyeol
bekhen, ash island, bekhen ekho, bekhen exo, baekhyun exo
emoji, previous, mood saturday
emoji, kpop memes, bts edita amino
asian, chanel, chanyeol dio, pak chanyeol, exo chanyeol
syumin, syumin exo, pak chanyeol
emoji, jungkook bts
syumin, syumin exo 2020
baekhyun exo, jungkook bts, bekhen chanel, bun backhyun 2019, exo baekhyun is crying
syumin, syumin exo, exo syumin, exo xiumin
jimin, jungkook, jung jungkook, korean actors
jimin, kai exo, bcts posters, iu and suga bts eight, jung jungkook camera
emoji, plush hat, hat bear korea, hat mishka hapor, a hat with bear ears
dress style, a black dress, dio exo dress, black mini dress, black short dress
kai exo, pak chanyeol, baekhyun exo, kai exo cute, chonin fansain
guy, unicorn, unicorn, baekhyun exo, kawaii unicorn
chanel, gun zun, pak chanyeol, exo lotto stickers
pak chanyeol, exome chen, dimash kudaibergen
jungkook, kai exo, laki laki, jungkook bts, bcts upset
baekhyun exo
chanyol exo, pak chanyeol, exo chanel, chanel memes, exo chanyeol
sehun, chanel, pak chanyeol, korean actors, sehun korean singer
kai ekho, shuga bts head, kai exo blond
guy, human, sehun blue, transparent background, young man
kensu, human
kai exo, suho exo, pak chanyeol, bangtan boys, exo memes are dry
jimin, emoji, kim chonin
sehun, memeskpop, except, sehun exo, headphones meme
fashion dresses, tea dress, women's dresses, short dress, everyday dresses
pak yu jung, actors of the drama, actors of the series, korean actors
pak chanyeol
lar, pak chanel is crying
jungkook, jung jungkook, bts memes, kim sokjin vp, jung hosok memes
chanel, pak chanyeol, chanyeol exo, pak chanyol 2019
exo, syumin, syumin exo, luhan 2021
chanel, pak chanyeol, exo chanel, exo chanyeol, jungkook bts
shuga solo, jimin bts, pak chanyeol, exo chanyeol
exo kai, pak chanyeol, baekhyun exo, chanyeol exo, exo kai aesthetic
kim chonin, kim jongin, chonin is hot, anak laki laki, jungkook mic drop gifs
chanel, pak chanyeol, bts pak jimin, jimin aesthetics, park chanyeol blond
exo bekhen, bekhen ekho, baekhyun exo, eho luhan deer
kensu, questionnaire, bts maniac, exco dio maniac, hoshi transparent background
chanel, pak chanyeol, exo chanel, exo chanyeol, miyano logo
jungkook, jimin bts, bts jungkook, shonom monsta x, jimin prixes
syumin, shuga bts, bts jimin, pak chanyeol, bts kim namjun
singers, exo dio, dio ekho, exo is everything, men's hairstyles
guy, exo kai, kai exo, kai ekho, kai exso
sehun, kyungsoo, exo sehun, sehun exo, baekhyun exo
family, meme face, rap monster, pak chanyeol, exo chanyeol
bekhen exo, bekhyun ekho, baekhyun exo, sehun korean singer 2020, bekhen with red hair
taehen bts, jung jungkook, pak chanyeol, baekhyun exo, bts jungkook
jimin, jimin pak, bts jimin, jung jungkook, stickers bts jimin shuga jungkook
taehen bts, bts taehen, kim ta hyun, bts kim taehen, bts kim taehen
asian, human, food korea, pop eat meme, bts memes about food
cook, laki laki, profession cook, profession cook confectioner, cook confectioner profession top-50
asian, human, boy, character
kensu, guy, human, exo d o
pack, myungsoo l sleeps, viguki bts sleep, pak chanel sleeps, bts jungkook sleeps
ladies, wattpad, pak chanyeol, exo chanel, exo chanyeol
pack, brain, brain
asian, jung jungkook, pak chanyeol, jungkook bts, black by jimin
syumin, hyonmins, pak chanyeol, exo baekhyun, cocochanbaek
chanbeki, hosok bts, pak chanyeol, chiguki dinner, exo baekhyun
kai exo, pak chanyeol, exo chanel, baekhyun exo, exo chanyeol
exo, exo group, xiumin exo, exo chanyeol, exo-l group
Tags: pak chanyeol, baekhyun exo, exo chanyeol, chanel, syumin
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Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

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