Dino kuning

Install the Dino kuning sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 58 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🎗.

Stickers in the pack

twitter, indonesia, shrek swamp, zaabumba shrek, sad shrek
puffy, viewer, twitter, rubber duck, left 4 dead
day 6, a toy, twitter, indonesia, peepeepoopoo
a toy, subscriber, my account, google cards, the secret of the toy store cartoon 2018
a toy, sendiri, twitter, telephone, officially missing you
duck, a toy, twitter, duck toy, the duck is small
maka, winnie, a toy, snowball, sunghoon
anime, pikachu, camera, twitter, camerophone
dino, vídeo, a toy, twitter, adalah the legal center for arab minority rights in israel
duck, duck, a toy, duck toy, the duck is small
budi, jawab, friends, a toy, twitter
kim, orange, a toy, twitter, snowball
memes, a toy, gambar lucu, funny memes, duck toy
a toy, profile, soft toy, toy pillow, goldfish season 5 credits
budi, a toy, twitter, senjavrt, gambar lucu
dino, smoot, a toy, rubber duck, gambar lucu
price, a toy, classic, twitter, register
haha, start, a toy, twitter, viral di tiktok
duck, smoot, a toy, gambar lucu, rubber duck
pikachu, a toy, twitter, followers, princess pich
link, orange, camera, a toy, twitter
a toy, cute meme, gambar lucu, memes funny, the duck is small
emoji, a toy, playlist, cursed emojis, the duck is small
duck, a toy, meme lucu, gambar lucu, the duck is small
anon, a toy, twitter, on twitter, gambar lucu
dino, pikachu, jeffrey, gambar lucu, yellow dragon
a toy
dino, endog, jeffrey, a toy
anime, cartoons, boss molokosos 2, cartoon boss molokosos, cartoon boss molokosos 2
a toy, cartoons, gambar lucu, new cartoons
vibe, a toy, twitter, on twitter, my account
yoshi, a toy, twitter, stuffed toys, the conversation with alice
a toy, twitter, on twitter, selamat pagi, japanese castle
budi, a toy, simsimi, twitter, rubber duck
jawab, duck, a toy, gambar lucu, rubber duck
budi, a toy, gambar lucu, the nightlight is children, rubber duck
friends, a toy, gambar lucu, rubber duck, officially missing you
ups, bagi, nara, twitter, on twitter
cleo, elden, pikachu, a toy, twitter
achilles, a toy, twitter, renegade, on twitter
sotwe, a toy, twitter, on twitter, gambar lucu
profil, a toy, peepeepoopoo, january 2022, ku klux klan
duck, duck, a toy, rubber duck, the duck is small
pooh, winnie, a toy, the conversation with alice, officially missing you
budi, a toy, twitter, gambar lucu, cute chubby yellow dino and me 4 complete edition
dino, duck, a toy, duck toy, the duck is small
budi, kokosh, a toy, senjavrt, gambar lucu
kita, twitter, on twitter, don t forget
anak, hehe, a toy, twitter, gambar hd
duck, dino, a toy, duck toy, the duck is small
camera, telephone, enter the request, lego ninjago film
duck, a toy, cartoons, rubber duck, cartoon kolobang
a toy, twitter, cartoons of kids, cartoon kolobang, developing cartoons
kokosh, a toy, gambar lucu, ninjago season 9, lego ninjago film
vídeo, yellow, a toy, cartoons, my channel
a toy, human, vk fest 2020, polar adventures, polar film poster
imut, pikachu, pokemon, cartoons, animation
a toy, twitter, indonesia, furia is a toothless, night fury is a trunk
Tags: a toy, twitter, gambar lucu, duck, rubber duck
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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