
Install the Dark_mode sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 56 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 🕸.

Stickers in the pack

scp-087, darkness, human, the remaining, where is the phantom
wojak, boy, anonymous, wojak dumer, rammstein ohne dich
wojak, death file, dead wojak, withered wojak, literally 282 what is it
acoustic, karma police, radiohead doomer, related keywords sugggets, wojak girl with pink hair
filename, sam hyde, hypersonia, scenario language, justmyfavstrangemusic face
dumer, boy, human, meme dummer, doomer wallpaper phone
depress, tears of glass, sad background, rain sadness, related keywords
wojack, anxious, fiona apple, creepy wojack, wholesomeness
4chan, my head, i lost it, traumacore, lena hades nietzsche
emoji, schizopack
doomer, darkness, molostovs, schizopack, tithu sergey andreevich
4chan, phone meme, stas mikhailov, running 5000 meters, psychedelic drawings
darkness, dsp 1875, soundcloud, the podcast, scp 1984 dead hand
dzyunji, tomie junji, junji ito tomie, tomie junji, tomiy dzyunji
shisa, portrait, darkness, human, greg part
trollpais mem, trollpas horror, a terrible trollfaces, trollpais horror comeric, the terrible troll lane horror
wojak, darkness, wojak rage, withered wojak, nagano army nagano
wojak, wojak memes, doomer wojak, withered wojak, depressed wojak
freddy, darkness, mark riddick, wojak blood, project zomboid
pepe, roach, metaverse, green frog, pepe frog rare
darkness, human, dumer meme, russian doomer meme, prince zimbabwe cry
face, asian, human, stirner griboedov, fictional character
asian, catalog, birth, the names of the surname, wojak at the computer
memes, wojak, memic face, memes, wojak punch
wojak, soundcloud, wojak doomer, wojak doomer depression, the meme to shoot wojak
memes, boy, memic face, crying wojak, wojak headphones
guy, gopnik, gopnik adidas, gopnik squat, russian doomer memes
moment, human, memic face, gubkinsky, this moment
memes, meme dummer, doomer memes, wojak blumer, girl dumer
wojak, doomer, human, argentina, soundcloud
net, boy, cheremkhovo, vorkuta dumer, information about a person
dumers, jizusa, doomerwave, doomer of real life
darkness, twitch.tv, korku oyunu, the long dark, triggered meme
memes, face, boy, memic face, wojak hesus
wojak, wojak mask, wojak is ordinary, wojak is crying mask, the meme is crying for a mask
memes, darkness, human, drawings of memes, the caretaker erywhere at the end time stage 6
memes, picture, cry meme, memes, face meme
darkness, brainwash, soundcloud, deep thoughht, listen online song paradox
scp-087, arts of the self absorption, perpetuumworld, wojak cryptipasta, kalashnikov mikhail timofeevich
memes, boy, memic face, memes, crying wojak
chaos, aquarius, darkness, horoscope, everyday
memes, human, screenshot, feels at the computer, man at a computer meme
memes, face, wojak, boy, wojak ankap
memes, wojak, your meme, wojak schoolboy, ryan gosling wojak
wojak, boy, wojak blumer, wojak doomer, dumer blumer
memes, memes, create a meme, hands crying with a meme, wojak i have no money
wojak, wojak cry, wojak rage, wojak rage, lunar knight meme
memes, pisks, picture, mem troll
akira, scp-087, darkness, human, daylight
wojak, darkness, dead game, depressive wojak, wojak depression dumer
darkness, human, a real man, white night doomer version, karpenkov andrey smolensk
boy, human, user 666, 3 persons, doomerwave
memes, darkness, human, 3 a.m, the light is a meme at night
dumer battle, art amino, russian doomer meme
boy, human, soundcloud, radiohead creep
sunset meme, death file, happy wojak sunset
Tags: memes, darkness, human, wojak, boy
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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