
Install the Cyrin sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 50 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 👋, 😃, 🐶, 😥, 🤣, 😉, 😳, 😍, ☺️, 🍑, 🤑, 😇, 😀, ❤, 😈, 👍, 🤔, 😋, 😠, 🤓, 😕, 😎, 👨, 👿, 😡, 😑, 😐, 🖕, 😤, 🧐, ▶️, ☕, 😪, 😴, 👐, 😘, ☠️, 😱, 😮, 👀, 🤗.

Stickers in the pack

animation, character, frey's duck's mouth, pok é mon hero, ferson wolf reference
animation, character, frie art, fuli internal medicine department, fictional character
cat, animation, character, friyuqi, fictional character
dog, cat, animation, error lis, animals are cute
frie art, furikila, frie griffin, antro animals, friwolf itch
fox, animation, cat art, lovely frie, pok é mon hero
cat, animation, cat whiskers, dog face, animals cats
stich, stich's meme, stich disco machine, stich cute pattern
dog, animation, character, weak fry, fictional character
dog, fuli, character, frie art, frie characters
frie art, furiquis sand, lovely frie, frickisha art, lgbt fry cat
fryranway, anime animal, animals are cute, cute animal patterns, cute animal patterns
dog, dog, dog, green dog, animal dog
animation, people, ink error, error sance meme, pok é mon onbreon
cat, cat, frey cat, fury eric, synthetic fuli
animation, character, frey cat, frie's baby, fictional character
cat, cat, character, pok é mon hero, pokemon pattern
animation, fryranway, anime animal, animals are cute, zebra baokemeng
frey's duck's mouth, pok é mon hero, frey art animation, pokemon pattern, fuli transparent background
cat, cat, fuli, animation, pixel fuli
animation, eth cat, character, fictional character, ferson wolf reference
dog, animation, character, misterstallion, fictional character
cat, tmall cat, dogs and cats, pokemon man, animals cats
cat, cats, cat, animation, frey cat
wolf, furry, frie art, lovely frie, frey art animation
cat, animation, people, character, fictional character
cat, cat, animation, pokemon riolu, seal picture
cat, cats, animation, eth cat, people
cat, animation, eth cat, people, nitw may
cat, animation, eth cat, character, pokemon pattern
cat, cat, cats, cat, character
animation, pokemon, pokemon pattern, lucario pokemon emmanuel, riolu lovely art pokemon
cat, cat, cats, cat, nitw may
furry, animation, frie art, frisona, animal myth
animation, frie art, lovely frie, makarov frie, luxray pokemon furry
dog, animation, pokemon, dogs and cats, zebra baokemeng
animation, people, astrakhan, death the death of peace, fictional character
cat, animation, fury eric, lovely frie, frisona
wolf, animation, character, animals, symbolic dog
fry fox, frie art, fox fry, frie aries, frie cartoon
cat, animation, frie art, frie cartoon, hioshi the enfield
penguin, penguin club, penguin klipat, nezha charm memes, ballas valfrem narmer
animation, penguin, penguin, frie penguin, king penguin
fuli, animation, people, lovely frie, luxray pokemon furry
lovely, darkness, bobby bubble, pok é mon gapoto
dog, character, frie art, green dog, fictional character
dog, animation, people, character, fictional character
animation, friana, frie mask, axel fury, animal dog
fuli, animation, character, red cliff fury, zebra baokemeng
fry fox, fry fox, fouriantro, frie cartoon
Tags: animation, cat, character, dog, frie art
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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@cgifs Cats

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