All we need

Install the All we need sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 88 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😐, 😛, 🤨, 😏, 😶, 😂, 😯, 😠, 😨, ❓, 💅, 🥺, ✌️, 😴, 😪, 🙁, 👍, 💪, 😔, 🎮, 🤯, 😫, 😖, 🤭, 😡, 🤣, 😗, 😮‍💨, 😍, 😰, ❤️, 🥤, 😉, 👌, 🤔, 😞, ☺️, 😦, 😧, 💜, 🥰, 🔫, 💙, 😙, ⁉️, 😑, 😒, 😮, ✊, 🤢, ☠, 😳, 🧐, 🤘, 👉, 😁, 🙄, 😵.

Stickers in the pack

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pack, asian, young woman, korean actresses
pack, cho kan kah, korean style, korean actors
pack, pray, asian, nhdta-448 honey, japanese girls
pack, pack, dalam, all we need
asian, snsd taeyeon, korean girls, asian girls, lovely asian girls
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young woman, nuan twice, twice nayeon, korean actors, lia itzy to the debut
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Tags: asian, pack, young woman, korean actresses, asian girls
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