
Install the Ashton sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 67 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

This stickerpack uses following emojis: 😑, 😒, 😅, 😏, 🖕, 😎, 👍, 😍, 👌, 🙄, 😁, 😝, 😄, ℹ, ☠️, 😭, 🥰, 😳, 💩, 😮, 😡, 🗳, 👩‍🎤, 💁‍♀️, 🎹, 🍆, 💦, ℹ️, 🌲, 🤨, 😫, 🎶, 😶‍🌫️, 👉, 🥺, 🤗, 🐸, 🌧, 😩, 🦌, 🦦, 🔪, 🔫, 😕.

Stickers in the pack

animation, character, frie's picture, king oxy lupisvulpes, fictional character
deer, cartoon bull head, fulimanhewa, green fawn, animation animal city
animation, people, frie cartoon, frie's picture, king oxy lupisvulpes
animation, dragon cream art, pokemon pets, fictional character, virtual dragon
animation, people, fury's point, frillon, animation taylor
animation, enotich, fan art, character, sprigatito
animation, green fox, dunlovnav, muzfuli, frie's picture
animation, character, scp-2845 god, walabush hilotley, fictional character
animation, people, frie deer, animation animal city, fictional character
animation, character, fulimanhewa, a herd of wild animals, fictional character
animation, spike mlp, spike pony, frie's picture, art ontero pony spike
animation, people, frie unicorn, van baru cross, frey art animation
animation, frie art, frie boy, frie's picture, frie animal
animation, people, frie's picture, mythological creatures, fictional character
font, english version, font poster, ddlc yuri x natsuki cartoon
animation, people, spring ladder, barrel, tang le spring ladder art
furry, animation, people, frie's evil, yes furry
furry, animation, people, frie's evil, fleur frey
people, frie's evil, may crossen, barrel, fictional character
animation, character, frie art, cobold thief art, fictional character
animation, people, character, tangle springtrap sfm, matt edswold cartoon
grinch, animation, people, character
animation, character, frie's evil, fleur frey, fictional character
animation, character, character picture, grove character tree, fictional character
cat, animation, cartoon, fendoma fury
fox, fuli, animation, frie's evil, frie art
animation, character, frie's evil, grove character tree, fictional character
animation, character, frie's evil, grove character tree, fictional character
animation, character, frie's evil, fictional character, tang le spring ladder art
animation, character, frie's evil, grove character tree, fictional character
animation, character, frie's evil, grove character tree, fictional character
character, frie's evil, grinch pattern, grove character tree, fictional character
character, frie's evil, grove character tree, fictional character, tang le spring ladder art
girl, inscription, sticker, 3 fiverr, ambis university
animation, anime animal, animal myth, fictional character, animal animation pattern
awali, animation, scp 2845, character, fictional character
val, animation, saitel shaini, fictional character
fuli, animation, anime animal, grookey pokemon, animal animation pattern
animation, character, fictional character, gacha life 18 tike tok, cartoon marijuana mini
animation, pokemon, pok é mon art, grookey pokemon, pokemon sword and shield shining rabbit evolution
pokemon, pok é mon art, grookey pokemon, pokemon, pok é mon
animation, scp 2845, fictional character, sprigatito evolution
darkness, gaga mateo, munger poster, angry translation, detective pikachu
animation, illustration, marijuana art, hemp leaf, cartoon marijuana mini
animation, dior the castle cat, smesharikov the hedgehog, ok k.o enid rabbit, ok ko let's be heroes fink
stich, animation, fan art, shi disney, fictional character
animation, pokemon, animation mga, red cliff pok é mon, pokemon pattern
animation, dragon, cartoon marijuana mini
animation, plants, character, mythological creatures, fictional character
animation, tree friends, dino page art, membriss mantisboi, fictional character
wolf, lovely, animation, vincent, beater
animation, deer, deere's mlp, red deer, green fawn
furry, animation, people, mythological creatures, fictional character
animation, animals, long can, chameleon monster, mythological creatures
animation, meadoria frie, anime animal, animal myth, fictional character
animation, deer, character, dragon poison, fictional character
animation, mayor frie, reese the beast, frey art animation, frey deer set
grinch, grinch pattern, grinch diagram, worth don't star together
animation, deer, character, frie deer, fictional character
animation, fries wolf, onldaff wolf, frie animal, frie characters
children, people, rare pepe, pepe toad, pepe aboba
meme, face, animation, people, dog yamu 2018 animation
animation, people, character, pathfinder summoner, yagi mindian
furry, animation, people, frie's evil, five nights at freddy's 3
animation, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's 3, anonymous mask springtrap, fitzgerald half-liter mouse
shark, boys, shark 2d, shark illustration
Tags: animation, fictional character, character, people, frie's evil
WhatsApp version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for Telegram.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of Telegram and click on the Install button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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@cgifs Cats

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