Lithium (Jerome)

Install the Lithium (Jerome) sticker pack for iMessage! This is a set of 30 static stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings.

Stickers in the pack

gotham city, clown, gotham tv series, oscar wilde, gotham bruce jeremiah
gotham city, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham jerome valesca, cameron monaghan joker
gotham city, clown series, valesca jerome, valesca jeremiah, joker series gotham
gotham city, current moment, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham jerome valesca
gotham city, ian gallagher, cameron monahan, typical girl, dmitrieva svitlana
valeska, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham jerome valesca, jerome cameron monahan
gotham city, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham cameron monahan, gotham jerome valeska barbara
valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham cameron monahan, jerome cameron monahan, officer cameron monahan gotham jerome
gotham city, ian gallagher, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham tv series clown
gotham city, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, jerome valesca wallpaper, valleska gotham jerome
gotham city, in my head, cameron monahan, voice in my head, jerome cameron monahan
gotham city, dark ones, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, valleska cameron monahan jerome
bmw e87, messenger, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, cameron monaghan
gotham city, jerome valeska, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham jerome valesca
gotham city, jerome valeska, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham cameron monahan
gotham city, series 16, jeric fortuna, cameron monahan, gotham jerome cameron monahan
gotham city, gotham tv series, valesca jerome, gotham tv series clown, gotham police department
gotham city, valeska, jerome valeska, cameron monahan, jeremiah valeska
gotham city, jerome valeska, cameron monahan, cameron monahan gotham clown, valleska cameron monahan jerome
gotham city, jerome valeska, cameron monahan, gotham cameron monahan, gotham jerome cameron monahan
camera, fairly local, the dark knight, cameron monahan, gotham jerome cameron monahan
gotham city, valeska, jeremiah valeska, valesca jeremiah, jerome jeremaya valeska
gotham city, clown, cameron monahan, gotham tv series clown, song finch
gotham city, gotham actor, gotham tv series clown, gotham jerome valesca, jeremiah valesca gothamese's hat
gotham city, gotham jerome, valesca jeremiah, gotham tv series clown, gotham jeremiah valesca
gotham city, yegor letov, jerome valeska, valesca jerome, cameron monahan
gotham city, twitter, sasha ash, valesca jerome, cameron monahan
tulips, rezkazgan, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham jerome valesca
gotham city, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham jerome valesca, cameron monaghan joker
gotham city, valesca jerome, cameron monahan, gotham tv series clown, valleska cameron monahan jerome
WhatsApp version
Telegram Version

Make your communication with friends and colleagues bright, funny and emotional. Our catalog contains the most popular and trending stickers for iMessage.

Downloading stickers is easy — you just need to have the latest version of iMessage and click on the Download button on the sticker pack page. Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Choose from over a million stickers!

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